Приложение 8.2 Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Саратовской области «Саратовский техникум отраслевых технологий» КОМПЛЕКТ ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВ по социально-гуманитарной дисциплине «СГ.02 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» (38.02.08 Торговое дело) Саратов 2024 Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по профессии/специальности СПО 38.02.08 Торговое дело программы учебной дисциплины СГ.02 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Составитель/разработчик (составители): Семенова Е.В. Балашова И. В. Содержание 1. Паспорт комплекта фонда оценочных средств 2. Критерии оценивания успеваемости 2.1. Критерии оценивания теоретических знаний 2.2 Критерии оценивания практических знаний 3. Комплекты оценочных средств 3.1. Комплекты оценочных средств для текущего контроля 3.2 Комплекты оценочных средств для промежуточного контроля 4 14 14 16 19 19 50 3 1 ПАСПОРТ КОМПЛЕКТА ФОНДА ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВ 1.1 Область применения Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (далее КОС) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины СГ.02 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. КОС включают контрольные (тестовые) материалы для проведения текущего контроля (контрольные работы) и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета КОС разработаны в соответствии с основной профессиональной образовательной программой специальности СПО 38.02.08 Торговое дело, рабочей программы учебной дисциплины СГ.02 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. 1.2. Система контроля и оценки результатов освоения программы учебной дисциплины Система контроля и оценки освоения учебной дисциплины соответствует «Положению о текущем контроле знаний и промежуточной аттестации студентов» и учебному плану. Контроль и оценка результатов освоения учебной дисциплины осуществляется преподавателем в процессе проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации и проводится с целью оценки качества освоения основной профессиональной образовательной программы. 4 Код и наименование компетенций Дисциплинарные результаты Умения Знания распознавать задачу и/или проблему в профессиональном и/или актуальный профессиональный социальном контексте; и социальный контекст, в анализировать задачу и/или котором приходится работать и проблему и выделять её составные жить; части; основные источники информации и ресурсы для ОК 01 Выбирать способы выявлять и эффективно искать решения задач и проблем в решения задач информацию, необходимую для профессиональном и/или профессиональной решения задачи и/или проблемы; социальном контексте; деятельности структуру плана для решения применительно к задач; различным контекстам порядок оценки результатов решения задач составлять план действия; профессиональной деятельности определять необходимые ресурсы; реализовывать составленный план; оценивать результат и последствия своих действий (самостоятельно или с помощью наставника) определять задачи для поиска приемы структурирования ОК 02 Использовать информации; информации современные средства определять необходимые источники поиска, анализа и информации; интерпретации информации, и планировать процесс поиска; информационные структурировать получаемую технологии для выполнения информацию; Тип оценочных мероприятий Ролевые игры, Устный опрос, Письменный опрос, Выполнение практических работ, Наблюдение за участием в диалоге, Выполнение тестовых заданий, Оценка выполнения контрольной работы, Оценка участия в обсуждении увиденного, Оценка выполнения письменных работ, Тестирование, Оценка письменной практической работы, Выполнение заданий дифференцированного зачета Перевод профессиональноориентированной информации задач профессиональной деятельности ОК 09 Пользоваться профессиональной документацией на государственном и иностранном языках выделять наиболее значимое в перечне информации; оценивать практическую значимость результатов поиска; оформлять результаты поиска, применять средства информационных технологий для решения профессиональных задач. понимать общий смысл четко правила построения простых и произнесенных высказываний на сложных предложений на известные темы (профессиональные профессиональные темы; и бытовые), основные понимать тексты на базовые общеупотребительные глаголы профессиональные темы; (бытовая и профессиональная лексика); лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию участвовать в диалогах на знакомые предметов, средств и процессов общие и профессиональные темы; профессиональной деятельности; строить простые высказывания о себе и о своей профессиональной особенности произношения; деятельности; правила чтения текстов кратко обосновывать и объяснять профессиональной свои действия (текущие и направленности планируемые); писать простые связные сообщения лексический минимум, на знакомые или интересующие относящийся к описанию профессиональные темы предметов, средств и 6 процессов профессиональной деятельности ПК 1.2. Устанавливать хозяйственные связи с поставщиками и потребителями товаров и услуг, в том числе с применением коммуникативных возможностей искусственного интеллекта ПК 1.3. Осуществлять подготовку, оформление и проверку закупочной документации, в том числе с использованием электронного документооборота и сквозных цифровых технологий ПК 1.4. Осуществлять подготовку к заключению внешнеторгового контракта и его документальное сопровождение. ПК 1.5. Осуществлять контроль исполнения обязательств по Переводить иностранную документацию лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и (со словарем) процессов профессиональной профессиональную деятельности Переводить (со словарем) иностранную профессиональную документацию лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессов профессиональной деятельности Переводить (со словарем) иностранную профессиональную документацию лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессов профессиональной деятельности лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и Переводить (со словарем) иностранную профессиональную документацию 7 внешнеторговому контракту ПК 4.3 Осуществлять приемку товаров и контроль за наличием необходимых сопроводительных документов на поступившие товары ПК 4.4 Обслуживать покупателей, консультировать их свойствах непродовольственных товаров Переводить (со словарем) иностранную профессиональную документацию Переводить (со словарем) иностранную профессиональную документацию процессов профессиональной деятельности лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессов профессиональной деятельности лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессов профессиональной деятельности 8 2. Критерии оценивания практических знаний Типовые задания для текущего контроля оценки знаний Форма: грамматические и лексические упражнения, словарные диктанты, тестирование Критерии оценки: за письменные работы оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов: оценка «отлично» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнено от 91% до 100% оценка «хорошо», если выполнено от 70% 94% оценка «удовлетворительно», если выполнено от 50% до 74% оценка «неудовлетворительно», если выполнено от 49% -59% и менее Время на выполнение: от 20 до 45 мин. Типовые задания для промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине Форма: Контрольная работа, тестирование Критерии оценки: за письменные работы оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов: оценка «отлично» выставляется обучающемуся, если выполнено от 91% до 100% оценка«хорошо», если выполнено от 70% 94% оценка «удовлетворительно», если выполнено от 50% до 74% оценка «неудовлетворительно» ,если выполнено от 49% -59% и менее Время на выполнение: 45 мин. Содержание и структура дифференцированного зачета. Дифференцированный зачет состоит из 2 частей: письменная и устная. Письменная часть – письменный перевод текста. Данные задания проверяют умения переводить тексты со словарем, совершенствование письменной речи, грамматический минимум. На выполнение письменной части отводится 10 минут. Устная часть: 1. Пересказ текста, задача студента выделить основную мысль в 1-2 предложениях. 2. Сформулировать монологическое высказывание в устной или письменной форме о своей будущей профессии, опираясь на предложенные вопросы, или поддержать диалог по данной теме. На выполнение устной части отводится 15 минут на одного человека. На Критерии оценивания Дифференцированный зачет оценивается по 5-тибалльной шкале. Рекомендации по выполнению задания по чтению и переводу текста Этапы работы: 1. Полностью прочитать текст и уяснить его смысл. 2. Повторно прочитать текст с использованием рабочих источников информации. 3. Сделать черновой перевод, работая последовательно над логически выделенными частями текста. 4. Отредактировать получившийся текст, обращая внимание на смысл, стиль, единообразие и логику изложения. Выполняя технический перевод, стоит помнить, что: • если мысль можно выразить по-разному, надо выбирать самый простой и лаконичный вариант; • с заголовком следует работать в последнюю очередь, ведь в нем заключена суть текста; • названиям и терминам необходим строгий, однозначный перевод. Критерии оценивания чтения: При оценке чтения учитываются следующие критерии: - свободное чтение вслух; - соблюдение правил чтения; - умение выделить опорные смысловые блоки в отрывке; - выделения логических связей в отрывке; - соблюдение интонационного рисунка, свойственного иностранному языку. За каждый из критериев 1 балл. Итого 5 баллов. Критерии оценивания письменного перевода Письменный перевод оригинального специализированного текста с иностранного языка на родной является эффективным способом контроля полноты и точности понимания. При оценке письменного перевода учитываются следующие критерии: - научный стиль перевода; - точность и эквивалентность перевода; - свободное владение профессиональной терминологией; - соблюдение всех структурно-грамматических категорий при передаче информации. В соответствии с уровнем выполнения задания может получить следующее количество баллов: 5 баллов – соответствие вышеперечисленным критериям в полном объеме; 4 балла – научный стиль не выдержан, основные структуры текста переданы частично; 3 балла – языковые средства использованы некорректно, нарушена логическая последовательность перевода, потеряно структурно- семантическое ядро текста; 2 балла – не соблюдены основные критерии, студент не имеет достаточного знания лексического материала по специальности. Устная часть (диалог/ монолог) оценивается по следующим критериям: Оценка Содержание Коммуникативное взаимодействие Лексика Грамматика Произношение Соблюден объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует теме; отражены все аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на уровне, нормы вежливости соблюдены. Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач. 10 3. Комплекты оценочных средств 3.1. Комплект оценочных средств для практических занятий и текущего контроля Практическое занятие 1 Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to be и переведите. 1. Не... born in 1985. 2. We... students now. 3. We... good friends at the college. 4. It... an interesting book. 5. Who... absent today? 6. He... a student. 7. What... he? 8. ... he a doctor? 9. These... my pencils. 10. Where... this book? It... on the table. 11. What... their names? 12. Mary... a girl. 13. Who... he? 14. What... you? 15. This man... in the room. 16. How... she? 17. How... you? I... fine. 18. How... your friend? 19. ... he your son? 20. Tomorrow we... at home. 21. ...you a sportsman? Перепишите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в 2 столбика и переведите их: time,'water, machine, music, snow, word, coffee, money, idea, family, knowledge, sea, hour, tree, silver, meat, happiness, information, speed, book, news, house, friend, milk, student, pen, paper, clothes, picture, air. Задание 4.2. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе: box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glasses, bush, dress, country, bus, party, wife, day, knife, knowledge, month, pen, hero, goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city, man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf, leaf, foot, fish, woman, money, information. Практическое занятие 2 «Внешность» Тренировочные упражнения. 1. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1) They have slim. 2) She has pretty. 3) He is dark eyes. 4) Pupils have 25 years old. 5) What have he look like? 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Translate the sentences into Russian. - У него карие глаза. - У нее светлые волосы и маленький нос. - Они молодые. - Он полный. - Она стройная. 3. Опишите людей на картинках. На картинках изображены люди, что вы можете о них сказать? Как они выглядят? There are some pictures of different people for you what can you say about them? What do they look like? 1. 2. 3. (Правильные ответы. 1. This girl is tall and slim. She has long red hair. She has short nose and thick lips. She is pretty. 2. This men is short and fat. He is old. He has beard. He has short dark hair. 3. This boy is short and thin. He has short fair hair. He has brown eyes.) Практическое занятие 3 11 MY FRIEND I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now he is a student of a college. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very diligent. He wants to become a good specialist and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I'm grateful to him for that. Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking. Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college. We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read. But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. I can fully rely on him and trust everything to him. Peter has a great sense of humour and I like to spend my free time with him. I have another friend. Her name is Natasha. She is a schoolgirl and she lives next door. I like her very much. She is a blonde with blue eyes, she is slim and pretty. Her hair is long and she has a nice complexion. I like all my friends very much. I think they are all my faithful friends. Words former — бывший classmates — одноклассники strong — сильный * to study hard — усердно учиться grateful — благодарный dark-brown — темно-коричневый diligent — прилежный especially — особенно appearance — внешний вид tall — высокий straight — прямой to move — зд. переехать in common — общего same — тот же both — оба intelligent — умный well-read — начитанный honest — честный kind — добрый fully — полностью to rely — полагаться to trust — доверять sense — чувство blonde — блондин(ка) slim — стройный , pretty — красивая hair — волосы complexion — цвет лица faithful — верный Questions 1. Who is your best friend? 2. Where does your friend study? 3. How does your friend look like? 12 4. What kind of sport does your friend like? 5. How did you make friends? 6. What do you have much in common? 7. Do you like to spend your free time with your friends? 8. Can you call all your friends faithful? 9. Is the sense of humour important in friendship? 10. What are the hobbies of your friends? Практическое занятие 4 MY WORKING DAY Usually I get up at 7 o'clock on week-days. I do my bed and open the window. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, but not always. Then I go to the bathroom. There I wash myself and clean my teeth. Sometimes I take a shower. After that I go back to my bedroom, dress myself and brush my hair. In five minutes I am ready enough for breakfast. I always have a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. After breakfast I take my bag, put on my coat and go to the college. I live not far from my college and it takes me only ten J minutes to walk there. I am never late for the first lesson, because I come to the college a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go to the classroom. The lessons begin at eight o'clock and аt half past one they are over. Sometimes after the lessons I go to the library to I take some books. I usually do my hometask at home. As a rule, I have no free time on my week-days. Sometimes I have dinner at my college canteen. For dinner I usually have soup for the first course, meat or fish with some salad for the second. I drink milk or a cup of tea. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool. I play volleyball in the college team and we have our training at our big gymnasium. In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have supper together, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hubby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. At about eleven o'clock I go to bed. Words usually — обычно enough — достаточно shower —- душ always — всегда only — только never — никогда cloakroom — раздевалка as a rule — как правило canteen — столовая twice — дважды team — команда gymnasium — спортзал Задание Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When do you usually get up on your working day? 2. What do you do in the morning when you get up? 3. What do you have for breakfast? 4. How much time does it take you to get to your school? 5. Do you have dinner at home or at the school canteen? Практическое занятие 5 13 14 Практическое занятие 6 15 Практическое занятие 7 1. Types of Houses. There are four basic types of housing: detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses and blocks of flats. It must be understood that a detached house can take on any form or style. It does not matter if the house is a bungalow, a cottage or a mansion. As long as it is not joined to another house, it is a detached house. One advantage of a detached house is the fact that the free space surrounding the building belongs to the family. You can do whatever you would like to be done in your house. The disadvantage is that all repairs in the house should be made by the owner. A semi-detached house is a pair of houses that share one common wall. The two houses are built to mirror each other. Interestingly enough, this type of housing is called a duplex in other parts of the world. Now the semi-detached house is still the most popular type of housing. One advantage of living in a semi-detached house is that there is still some privacy even if one wall is shared by the two houses. A disadvantage is that you are responsible for the upkeep of your side of the house. Another disadvantage is that you cannot just plan repairs or renovations as you have to consider your twin house. Terraced housing is also known as townhouses. The origin of this type of dwelling was in the 17th century in Europe. A row of identical looking houses share side walls. In the past, terrace housing used to be only associated with the working class for this type of housing was cheap, small and had very little privacy. As time went by, terrace housing became known as townhouses which were more associated with the rich. One of the major advantages of terrace housing is that it is relatively cheaper than a semi-detached built in the same location. One great disadvantage is that there is typically no yard or garden that comes with a unit. As two walls are shared, there is less privacy too. A flat or an apartment is a part of a larger building. Such building is called an apartment building or a block of flats. A flat can be a studio unit, a one-bedroom, two-bedroom or three-bedroom unit. It’s the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Besides among advantages of living in a block of flats it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. But a flat has its disadvantages: your neighbors can 16 make a lot of noise, when they, for example, hammer or drill the wall, or when they organize a party. Sometimes you can depend on your neighbors: your neighbors' tap is dripping and they need it to be repaired, so they block the water supply not only in their own flat but also in yours and you have to wait for hours till you can do the washing-up or take a shower. It isn’t convenient, but in spite of it the largest part of population in our country lives in blocks of flats. Look at the translation of the following words. Write down those in bold. Basic types of housing – основные типы жилья. Housing – жилье. Dwelling – жилище, (жилой) дом, жилье, жилое помещение. Detached house – частный дом. Bungalow – бунгало. Cottage – коттедж. Mansion – большой особняк, дом; дворец. Semi-detached houses (Br. E.) = duplex house (Am. E.) – «полуособняк», двухквартирный дом (российский аналог – дом на две семьи). Duplex apartment (Am. E.) – квартира, расположенная в двух этажах с внутренней лестницей. Terraced houses = row house = townhouse – «городской особняк», таунхаус (в России до недавнего времени аналогов не имел). Blocks of flats (Br. E.) = an apartment building (Am. E.) – многоквартирный жилой дом (в таких живет большинство из нас). Flat (Br. E.) = apartment (Am. E.) – квартира. Studio unit – квартира-студия. One-bedroom (two-bedroom, three-bedroom) unit – одно- (двух-, трех-) комнатная квартира. Owner – владелец. Neighbors – соседи. To be joined – быть соединенным. Advantage – преимущество. Disadvantage – недостаток. Repair – ремонт; ремонтировать. Upkeep – ремонт, содержание (жилья). Renovation – капитальный ремонт, перестройка, реконструкция. Share – разделять, делить (комнату, дом и т.п.) Common wall – общая стена. Side walls – боковые стены. To be responsible for smth / smb – быть ответственным за что-то / кого-то. 2. Match the parts of the room with their names ceiling power point light switch radiator wall floor 3. Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences. A) 1 You relax and watch TV a in the bathroom 2 You cook b in your bedroom 3 You eat your dinner c in the living room / lounge 4 You sleep d in the dining room 5 You have a shower e in the spare room 6 You put up guests f in the kitchen B) 17 1 What а 2 Come in and 3 Would you like 4 Black 5 These cakes look 6 I’d rather 7 Where’s 8 Make yourselves 9 Can I take 4. Match the items and their names. at home have tea, actually lovely house! your jackets? sit down delicious or white? some coffee your loo? bookcase, blind, curtain, ornament, stereo system, television, lamp, picture, mantelpiece, clock, fireplace, dining chair, sofa, carpet, coffee table, armchair, rug, dining table, cushions, remote control 5. Divide the words into two groups rooms furniture Hall, picture, piano, bedroom, table, carpet, living room, sofa, armchair, kitchen, shelf, pantry, lamp. 6. Odd one out. living room, sofa, armchair hall, picture, piano bedroom, table, carpet kitchen, shelf, pantry 7. Describe your own flat or house following this plan. Today I want to tell you about my flat. (Вступление) I live in a …-room flat on the … floor. (Указываете, сколько комнат в квартире, на каком этаже расположена) I live together with …(Указываете, с кем вместе вы живете. Если ни с кем, то пишите – I live alone (я живу один)) There is … there. (Перечисляете, какие комнаты есть в квартире) There is also a balcony and a corridor there. (Дополнение) Our kitchen is … (Несколько слов о кухне. Если нужно более подробное описание, воспользуйтесь фразой There is …, картинкой со словами на тему «кухня» и перечислите все, что там есть) We like to get together there and eat my mother’s delicious cookings. (Дополнение) My parent’s room is … (Описываем комнату родителей) In my brother’s / sister’s room there is … (Описываем комнату брата) But my room is the best for me. (Переход к описанию своей комнаты) There is … (Описание своей комнаты) I try to keep my room in order, I like it when everything is in its place. (Дополнение) I think my flat is very nice. (Или любая другая финальная фраза) Короткие диалоге о доме. квартире на английском языке + перевод: рассмотрены различные ситуации, проблематика. — Are you still living in the Upper East Side? — Вы все еще живете в Верхнем Ист-Сайде (район Манхэттена)? 18 — No, It’s too expensive to live in Manhattan nowadays. The rent there is crazy, that’s why we moved to Brooklyn. — Нет, слишком дорого сейчас жить на Манхэттане. Плата за аренду квартиры дикая. Поэтому мы переехали в Бруклин. — And how is it there? — И как там? — Dreadful to be honest. — Ужасно, если честно. Диалог о комнатах — How many rooms do you have in your new apartment? — Сколько комнат в вашей новой квартире? — Five. Kitchen, dining room, living room and two bedrooms, one of which we are planing to change to kids room as soon as I get pregnant. — Пять. Кухня, столовая, гостиная и две спальни, одну из которых вы собираемся преобразовать в детскую, как только я забеременею. — Good luck to you than. — Удачи вам в таком случае. Диалог про дом — What a beautiful house you have! — Какой замечательный у вас дом! — Thank you! We have just moved in. — Спасибо. Мы только что въехали. — And do you also have a big backyard? — А большой задний дворик у вас тоже есть? — Yes, there are pool and playground. Everything our three children need. — Конечно, там у нас бассейн и детская площадка, все что нужно нашим трем детям. — Oh, that’s sweet. I also have kids and I can tell you everything about schools in our neighbourhood. — Ой, это так мило. У меня тоже есть дети, и я могу рассказать тебе все о школах в нашем районе. — Thank you. That would be great. — Спасибо. Это было бы здорово. Диалог про мебель — Honey, we still need to buy some furniture for our new house. — Дорогой, нам все еще нужно купить некоторую мебель для нашего дома. — What exactly do we need? — Что конкретно нам нужно? — Fridge, chairs, sofa, table and some other staff. — Холодильник, стулья, диван, стол и некоторые другие вещи — Ok, let’s go shopping after work. — Хорошо, поедем по магазинам после работы. Диалог про кухню — How big is your kitchen? — Насколько большая ваша кухня? — Not that big. But there is all I need to cook for my family — stove, fridge and other things. — Не особо большая, но там есть все, что нужно, чтобы приготовить ужин для моей семьи — кухонная плита, холодильник и другие вещи. — What about dishwasher? I can’t imagine my life without dishwasher! — Что насчет посудомоечной машины? Не могу представить себе жизнь без нее. — Yes, of course I have that. — Конечно. И она у меня тоже есть. 19 Практическое занятие 8 Вставьте to be в нужной форме: 1. There... a telegram on the table. 2. ... there any telegrams from Moscow? Yes, there... some. 3. ... there ... a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there ... ... 4. There... much snow last winter. 5. There... a lot of stars and planets in space. 6. ... there... a lift in your future house? Yes, there 7. Some years ago there ... many old houses in our street. 8. ... there any lectures yesterday! No, there... 9. ... there a lamp over the table? Yes, there... 10. ... there any interesting stories in this book? 11. ... there a test last lesson? No, there.... 12. Soon there a new film on. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям: 1. There are some new pupils in our group. 2. There is no book on the table. 3. There were many old houses in our street. 4. There are 4 seasons in a year. 5. There will be a conference next week. 6. There are many large cities in our country. 7. There was nobody in the room. 8. There are 7 days in a week. 9. There is something on the shelf. 10. There are many places of interest in London. Практическое занятие 9 Living in the Сity. Прочитайте текст If you had a choice where to live — in a big city or in a small town — what would you prefer? The question about pros and cons of city and village life has recently become very acute. More and more people leave their city flats and move to detached houses in villages or simple small country houses. They realize that anything is better than city smoke, pollution and noise. Speaking of advantages of city life we should mention the variety of cultural establishments which are very important for modern generation and their further education. I mean libraries, theaters, museums, art galleries, concert halls, large bookstores, colleges, universities and other city institutions. Many people simply can’t live without going out to posh restaurants, coffee houses, pizza and sushi places. Such pastime has become increasingly popular. That’s why most young people, especially students, try to stay in the city. Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As for me, I quickly become tired of it. A lot of goods of all range can be bought in a city, not in a town or a village. If your aim is to make a career, and not just be a calm gardener or something of that kind, you must go to the city. If you are social and like to meet new people, you can easily do it in a city. City never sleeps, at night you can relax and spend a great time in dozens (or even hundreds) of cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. In a big city streets are crowded. It takes ages to get to work. Besides traffic jams, you feel uncomfortable in transport full of people. Any city has a great number of problems. For example, constant noise which influences a nervous system. The state of air and water may cause health problems. City-dwellers have to lead an unnatural way of live, sometimes very stressful. They lose touch with nature. Such simple things as sunshine and fresh air are a premium. Tall buildings block the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so living in a city becomes very expensive. But in spite of that it’s wrong to say that living in a city is bad. If you are an active person, always looking for opportunities and something new, you should be a city-dweller. City-life is fast, but very exciting. Good schools, universities and other educational centers are situated in cities. You won’t find all the needed information in the Internet, but you can find the right places and people in a city. There are also many ways to spend the weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to 20 relax they go to parks for a walk or to read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. A big city has lots of advantages as well as disadvantages. In a city there are many places to visit: theatres, cinemas, galleries, places of interest, clubs, supermarkets and many others. You won’t find all that in a small town, but it’s a lot quieter and cleaner there. Мany people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit my grandparents.What’s more important — advantages or disadvantages of living in a big city — it’s for you to decide. As well as it’s for you to decide, where to live — in a city or in the villagе. Практическое занятие 10 Living in the Сity. Task 1. Write down and translate the underlined sentences. Prove them (write out words or phrases from the text). Запишите и переведите подчеркнутые предложения. Докажите их (выпишите из текста слова или словосочетания). Task 2. Write out the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city (words and phrases) from the text. Выпишите из текста преимущества и недостатки жизни в городе (слова и словосочетания). advantages of city life disadvantages of living in a big city the variety of cultural establishments the noise and pollution Практическое занятие 11 Практическое занятие 12 WE ALL GET LOST SOMETIMES 21 1. Match the sentences in the box to the pictures below. 1. It’s on the corner. 3. Take the next 5. It’s the second 2. Go straight on at right. /Take the next right. / Take the the lights. turn on the right. second turn on the 4. Go down to the right. end of the road 6. It’s on your left. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 7. It’s on the other side of the road. 8. Turn left at the traffic lights. Практическое занятие 13 Практическое занятие 14 22 Практическое занятие 15 Climate In Russia Russia is a huge country and almost 145 million of people live here. Here people say climate can be different. You can enjoy sun in Sochi, listen to sad music of rain in Saint Petersburg or observe cold winter in Murmansk. Anyway my country is beautiful any period of time and any 23 weather can give us discomfort. In general, the climate of Russia can be described as highly continental influenced climate with warm to hot dry summers and (very) cold winters with temperatures of -30°C and lower and sometimes heavy snowfall. If to believe statistics the highest temperature was 45 degrees Celsius in July. And the lowest temperature was fixed in January -71 degrees. Honestly, I live in normal climate with snowy winter and sunny summer, but I can not imagine how people can survive with temperature +\- 30 degrees. Still people live almost everywhere but like to travel all around Russia. But the most important thing about this weather is that it really depends on region. Most part of Russia is located in a comfortable zone to live in. But the climate is changing now. Russian frosts in winter were so much popular but now it is not so cruel and cold. As you understand today temperature is not very low in winter. But of course sometime we may have snowstorms. Summer can be also different. Normally weather is not very hot. But there are some days with a very high temperature and no rain during few weeks. Or it can be hard rain and hail in summer. Climate and weather give to people some discomfort: no electricity, transport stops, damages if the buildings. But these things happen very rare. I don’t really remember any weather catastrophe, but my parents and grandparents like to tell different stories about weather in past. Task. Write down the words according to the type of climate. (Запишите слова в соответствии с типом климата.) Tundra climate Hot desert climate Temperate Tropical climate continental climate Практическое занятие 16 чтение диалога: Russian: “What’s the weather like in England?” Englishman: “Today it’s raining and it’s very foggy, as usual. You see there is no hot summer, and there is no cold and snowy winter.” Russian: “Really? Why is it so?” Englishman: “You see, Britain is near the ocean, and the water there changes its temperature slower than the ground, it has greater thermal heat capacity. That’s why the changes are not so great.” Russian: “Do you like when it rains?” Englishman: “When I was a child, I liked it! Now I simply don’t notice it. I can walk without any umbrella when it’s drizzling and never catch a cold.” Russian: “Do you have central heating at home?” Englishman: “Yes, I have a radiator, but I don’t have central heating yet. The weather in the world becomes more unusual. That’s why I must think about it.” Russian: “That’s a good idea. And are there any beaches in England?” Englishman: “Yes, there are, mostly on the south coast, but the water isn’t really warm. You’d better go to Spain. Many Englishmen do it. It’s not so far, but the weather is completely different.” Russian: “Sure, I will do so.” Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. What’s the weather like in England? 2. Why is it so? 3. Do Englishman like when it rains? 4. And are there any beaches in England? 5. What many Englishmen do? 24 Практическое занятие 17-18 Climate changes The greenhouse effect Nowadays major changes in climate are taking place. They are closely connected with the greenhouse effect and global warming. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth’s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing it to become warmer. So due to the greenhouse effect the temperature on the Earth is rising and this creates lots of problems that will begin to take place in the coming decades. Early indicators of climate change Today people are conducting an unplanned global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer which allows life to exist on the Earth’s surface. All of these activities are unfavourably changing the composition of the biosphere and the Earth’s heat balance. Average global temperatures have risen by 1 degree over the last century and they could rise by 5 to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and there will be more forest fires. At the present rate of destruction most of the rain forests will be gone. Evaporation rates will also increase and water circulation patterns will change. Decreased rainfall in some areas will result in increased rainfall in others. In some regions river flow will be reduced or stopped completely while others will experience sudden downpours that create massive floods. Arctic ice melting If the present arctic ice melting continues, the sea could rise by as much as 2 meters by the middle of the next century. Large areas of coastal land would disappear. The warming will rearrange entire biological communities and cause a number of species to become died out. In the end, the overheat of the air will result in the global warming effect. Conclusion In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s very important to start doing something now, so that our future and our planet will be safe. Практическое занятие 19 Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы.) How did people travel many years ago? (Как много лет назад люди путешествовали?) Many years ago people traveled by……( Много лет назад люди путешествовали…. How do people travel now?(Как люди путешествуют сейчас?) Now people travel by…(Сейчас люди путешествуют на…) Why do many people like to travel by plane? (Почему людям нравится путешествовать на самолете?) A lot of people like to travel by …. because it is….(Людям нравится путешествовать на самолете потому что….) Why do many people like to travel by train? (Почему людям нравится путешествовать на поезде?) A lot of people like to travel by …. because it is …. (Людям нравится путешествовать на самолете потому что….) Why do many people like to travel by car? (Почему людям нравится путешествовать на машине?) A lot of people like to travel by …. because it is…. (Людям нравится путешествовать на самолете потому что….) Why do many people like to travel by ship? (Почему людям нравится путешествовать на корабле?) A lot of people like to travel by …. because it is …. (Людям нравится путешествовать на самолете потому что….) Finish the sentences. (Закончи предложение.) 25 I like to travel … It is … I LIKE TO TRAVEL IT IS by plane by train by bus by car on foot by bicycle by ship enjoyable cool interesting exciting healthy cheap comfortable Практическое занятие 20 Drag the words into the correct boxes Easter1 of 6. Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday2 of 6. St. Valentine’s Day3 of 6. Guy Fawkes Night4 of 6. New Year’s Day5 of 6. Mother’s Sunday6 of 6. 1.It is a church holiday. Parents decorate eggs for children. In many parts of the country eggs are hidden in the yards and the children have to find them. Little children believe the rabbit comes and leaves the eggs for them. Eggs are the symbol of new life and the most popular emblem of this holiday. 2.This holiday is usually in March. People visit their mothers if possible and give them flowers and small presents. If they cannot go they send a card. Most mothers like to celebrate this day with the whole family. Some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner. 3.It is a popular holiday. It is the day preceding the first day of Lent. In medieval times the day was characterized by merrymaking and feasting, a relic of which is the eating of pancakes. 4.On this day people light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire. This is in memory of the time when Guy Fawkes tried to destroy Parliament in London in 1605. The historical meaning of the occasion is no longer important. Children put on some old costumes and take the guy. They walk round the city and ask people for money. “One penny for a guy!” Everywhere you can see fireworks and bonfires! You can hear loud bangs here, there and everywhere! 5.It is customary for people to remain awake until after midnight on December 31st so that you may “watch the old year out and the new year in”. Many parties are given on this night. The theatres, night clubs and restaurants are crowded. The favourite song at this holiday is “Auld Lang Syne”. It was written by Robert Burns. It is not a public holiday. It is not as widely celebrated as Christmas in England. The most popular custom in Scotland is “first – footing”. 6.It is not a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little festival, especially for children and young people. It is celebrated among persons of all ages. It is a religious holiday; it has roots in several legends. One of the early symbols of this holiday is Cupid, the Roman God of Love. The day is time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candy are favourite presents that sweethearts send each other. A greeting card is sent to someone loves, but usually without giving the name of the sender. Практическое занятие 21 26 Практическое занятие 22 Практическое занятие 23-24 Practice in reading. Before reading the text: Answer some questions: 1. What are the largest cities in Russia? 2. What is a national animal in Russia? 3. What is the full name of Russia? 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 Russia Russia (the full name the Russian Federation) is the largest country in the world. It`s total area is over 17 million square kilometers, with population of 200 million people. Russia is a multinational country. The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers — the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena — flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into Pacific Ocean. Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake (1600 meters) is Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom. On the vast territory of the country there are various types of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. Most part of Russia has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources. Russia is a presidential republic. It has also its own Parliament, which consists of two chambers. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial centre. It is one of the oldest Russian cities. The symbols of Russia are the Anthem, the State Flag and the State Coat of Arms. New words: the total area – вся территория is washed by - омывается a variety of scenery and vegetation – разнообразие пейзажа и растительности to consist of two chambers –состоять из двух палат oil, coal, iron, copper – нефть, уголь, железо. медь the Anthem - гимн the State Coat of Arms - герб After reading the text: Complete the sentences: 1. The total area of Russia is ……… 2. The country is washed by ………. 3. Russia is very rich in … 4.Most part of Russia has ………………climate with cold winters and hot summers. 5.The deepest lake in the world is …… 6.The symbols of Russia are…….. Brainstorm “Russia” Mikhail A A Russian painter, considered to be one of the most famous Lomonosov representatives of Russian artists. His most famous works are „Ivan the Terrible kills his son“, „Cossacks are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan“, „Burlaks on the Volga“. Alexander B The Russian writer. His most famous works are „Crime and Punishment“, Pushkin „The Brothers Karamazow“, „Idiot“. Ilya Repin C The world famous Russian poet and writer. His best-known novel in verse is „Eugene Onegin“ Leo Tolstoy D Russian ballet dancer, one of the greatest ballerinas of the twentieth century. Dmitri E The most brilliant Russian writer, philosopher and moralist. His most Mendeleev famous works „War and Peace“, „Anna Karenina“, „Childhood“. Fyodor F The most famous ballet classics composer in the world. The most popular Dostoevsky ballets: „Nutcracker“, „Swan Lake“, " Sleeping Beauty“. 28 7 8 9 Anna Pavlova Anna Akhmatova Pyotr Tchaikovsky Mikhail Glinka G H Russian Universal scientist and a poet, the founder of physical chemistry Russian chemist, the creator of the periodic table of chemical elements. I The author of the first national opera "A Life for the Tsar", the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila" based on a story by Pushkin. 10 J One of the most famous Russian poetesses of the XX century, a writer, literary critic, literary critic, translator. Match the important dates in the history of Russia with the events. Dates: 1147, 1941, 1961, 1703, 1980, 1917, 1991, 1812, 1237. Events: Napoleon tries to conquer Russia. The October Revolution takes place. Moscow holds the XX Olympic Games. Yuri Dolgoruky founds Moscow. Yuri Gagarin makes a space flight on the board of the spaceship “Vostok”. Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg. Khan Batyi of the Golden Horde conquers Moscow. Russia becomes an independent country after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The USSR enters World War II. Write the words 1)The highest law of the Russian Federation. 2)The capital of our country. 3)Traditional Russian souvenir. 4) Russian people are great lovers of drinking it. 5)The main Russian church. 6)Russians like to drink it with 7)The head of the Republic of the Russian Federation. 8)What holiday do we celebrate on the ninth of May. 9) One of good characteristics. 10) What is the deepest lake in the world. 11) The main symbol of Russia. 29 Практическое занятие 25 Тест на знание социокультурной информации о стране The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1. Which one is the official name of the 12. Traditionally London is divided into country? … parts. a) England a) 6 b) Great Britain b) 4 c) The United Kingdom oа Great Britain and c) 3 Northern Ireland 13. The Tower has served as … 2. What channel separates the United a) citadel Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern b) palace Ireland from the continent? c) prison a) North Channel 14. What is Buckingham Palace famous for? b) English Channel a) It is the biggest museum in London c) St. George’s Channel b) It is the Queen’s official London residence. 3. What seas is the UK washed by? c) There are memorials to Wellington and a) North Sea Nelson. b) Irish Sea 15. Match the name of the famous English c) Caribbean Sea writer and his work: 4. How many countries does the UK consist 1) J. Swift of? 2) R. Burns a) 3 3) J. London b) 4 4) G. Chaucer c) 2 a) “The Canterbury Tales” 5. Match the country of the UK and its b) “Martin Eden” capital: c) “My heart’s in the Highlands” 1. England d) “Gulliver’s Travels” 2. Wales 16. What holiday do the English celebrate on 3. Northern Ireland October, 31? 4. Scotland a) Boxing day 1. Belfast b) Halloween 2. Edinburgh c) Thanksgiving day 3. London 17. For breakfast Englishman always have … 4. Cardiff a) porridge 6. Which is the highest mountain in the UK? b) haggis a) Cape Horn c) omelet b) Ben Nevis 18. Who sits in the British Parliament on a c) Everest wool-sack covered with red cloth? 30 7. What are the most important rivers for the UK? a) the Thames b) the Ohio c) the Severn 8. Who rules Britain officially? a) the Queen b) Prime Minister c) the King 9. How many chambers does the British Parliament have? a) 3 b) 5 c) 2 10. The capital of the UK is: a) Dublin b) London c) Newcastle 11. Who rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral? a) Edward the Confessor b) Lord Mayor c) Sir Christopher Wren a) the Queen b) the Lord-Chancellor c) Prime Minister 19. According to the tradition the faces of Big Ben are light when … a) New Year comes b) the weather changes c) the Parliament works 20. What park is the most famous in London? a) Kensington Gardens b) St. Jame’s Park c) Hyde Park Ответы к тесту: 1-c 2-b 3-a, b 4-b 5-1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b 6-b 7-a, c 8-a 9-c 10-b 11-c 12-b 13-a, b, c, 14-b 15-1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a 16-b 17-a 18-b 19-c 20-c Практическое занятие 26 31 Практическое занятие 27 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The United States of America lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West. Canada in the North and Mexico in the South are the only countries that have borders with the USA. The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska and the main part. There are fifty States in the USA. They are very different in size, population and economic development. The smallest state is Rhode Island and the biggest is Texas. The total area of the USA is about 9 million square kilometres. The population is about 230 million people. The USA is a big country and the climate conditions are very different in different places. There are many big cities in the United States: New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles are the biggest of them. The USA economically is the most powerful country in the world. The USA is a parliamentary republic. The government has three branches: the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. There are two political parties in the United States: the Democratic Party, their Symbol is a donkey, and the Republican Party, their symbol is an elephant. The president is elected for a 4-year term and not more than two times. The Congress has two houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. Words borders — границы separate — отдельные climate conditions — климатические условия parliamentary republic — парламентская республика branches — ветви donkey — осел term — срок House of Representatives — палата представителей 32 Supreme Court — Верховный суд Практическое занятие 28 Questions 1. What is the size of the United States? 2. What is the smallest state in the United States? 3. What is the largest state in US? 4. What are the biggest cities of the Unites States? 5. What are the three branches of the US government? 6. What is the political system of the United States? Практическое занятие 29 Task 1 Not all products that are considered typically English come from English companies. There are some examples, where do they come from? From England or from another country? Write your guess in the boxes. Example: This product is from Germany. This product comes from the USA. Heinz tomato ketchup comes from ... .... belongs to the Italian company. 33 Task 2 You can find the logos of some companies in the boxes. Define the product (the business). Logos Product Практическое занятие 30 Task 3 34 Read the following information about English companies. What company is described in each text? Fill the answer sheet with right names. 1.In 1869, Arthur Brook opened his first tea shop in Manchester, which began the history of this tea empire. Arthur added the word "Bond" to his name on the sign, which means "commitment." Brook's promise of consistently high quality tea was a matter of honor. By 1957, the company had become one of the largest tea companies in the world, with a one-third share of the British and Indian tea markets. 2.The brand was founded in 1925 (at that time it did not have its current name). "At first, and until 1945, the brand was called" Swallow Sidecar "and specialized in the production of sidecars for motorcycles. After a while, the creators began to develop the body for the famous car" Austin 7. "In 1945, the company" Swallow Sidecar "changed its name.The year 1948 was significantly for the history of the automobile brand. Manufacturers presented the passenger car at a specialized exhibition in London. The guests’ attention was attracted by a unique, very fast car with a Heynes engine. In 2000, an exhibition was held in Detroit, USA, where was presented Ftype Concept. Advanced technologies were usedfor creation the car, the car headlights were made according to the "Baroptic" type. Since 2000, the career has grown up rapidly: at this time the company returned to the "Formula-1" arena. 3.In 2008, the English company had developed a line of fundamentally new toothpastes that would not put a consumer between the choice of quality or result, but would guarantee both of them. Advanced technologies in combination with strict adherence to traditions of quality have created a toothpastes brand of new generation. The name evokes associations with the English word brilliant, thereby emphasizing the British origin of the brand and the high, "brilliant" quality of the products. Later, the company's assortment was expanded with a line of mouth rinses, toothbrushes and freshening sprays. Oral care products from this company have successfully passed clinical trials at the FSBI of the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery under the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and have the sign "Approved by TsNIIS". 4.The history of the brand began in 1998, when the trademark was registered in the UK. The company was founded in the large industrial city of Middlesbrough (UK). From the very beginning, the company specialized in the production of air cleaning systems and kitchen hoods, later the brand expanded the production of other categories of household appliances. 5.Fans of tea ceremonies appreciated the English brand, but a lot of people wonder what does this unconventional for England name mean. As a matter of fact, Ahmad Afshar is the name of the company's founder, who moved to the United Kingdom in 1986 to open his own tea business. As a lover of delicious and high-quality tea, Afshar chose Britain - a country with unique tea traditions and innovative production technologies, launched a business, giving it his name. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Task 4 Who is who? You should find information about famous inventors in the boxes. Fill in the missing information in the boxes. 35 Name Years of life Photo Product creator of the first cyclonic vacuum cleaner G-Force creator of the Brook Bond tea brand Thomas Burberry founder of the Lipton tea brand Практическое занятие 31-32 Reading Comprehension: MY TRIP TO LONDON I live in Leeds, in the north of England. Last month, I went to London. I stayed for two nights. I arrived on Monday afternoon and left on Wednesday afternoon. I stayed in a hotel near to the Tower of London. I went by train. It was fast and very convenient. I visited the Tower. I saw the Crown Jewels. I also saw the place where famous people, including a queen of England, Anne Boleyn, were beheaded. I had a trip to the British Museum. I wanted to see the Elgin marbles. The Elgin marbles are Greek sculptures. They were at the Parthenon in Athens, the capital of Greece, but a British man, Lord Elgin, brought them to Britain in 1816. Sadly, when I arrived, the Elgin Marble rooms were closed! Disappointing, but there was plenty other stuff to see. On Tuesday evening, I went to a show. It was ‘The Windsors’ – a comedy about the royal family. I didn’t think it was funny, so I left at the interval. I ate at Brasserie Cote on Monday night and then on Tuesday night, I had fish and chips. I sat beside Tower Bridge and ate them while watching the world go by. The weather was fine, so I had a long walk along the Thames and I saw some famous sites. There are many Roman remains in London. The old sits comfortably next to the new and modern. Everyone was very friendly. I had a great stay and I would like to return soon. By Lou. 36 Answer the following questions in full sentences: 1. Where does Lou live? _________________________________ 2. Where did she go? ___________________________________ 3. How did she travel? __________________________________ 4. When did she arrive? _________________________________ 5. When did she leave London? ____________________________ 6. How long did she stay? ________________________________ 7. Where did she stay? __________________________________ 8. Which jewels did she see at the Tower? ___________________ 9. Why did she go to The British Museum? ____________________ 10. Why didn’t she see the Marbles? _________________________ 11. Who brought the Marbles to Britain? _____________________ 12. When did he bring them? ______________________________ 13. What show did Lou go and see? _________________________ 14. Why did she leave at the interval? _______________________ 15. What did she have to eat on Tuesday night? _________________ 16. What was the weather like? _____________________________ 17. Where did she go walking? _______________________________ 18. How did she find the people? _____________________________ 19. How do the old and the new sit together in London? ___________ 20. Does Lou want to return? _______________________________ Say something about each image. Have you been to London? What did you see? If not, would you like to go? KEY 1. She lives in Leeds 2. She went to London 3. She travelled by train 4. She arrived on Monday afternoon 5. She left on Wednesday afternoon. 6. She stayed (for) two nights. 7. She stayed at a hotel near the Tower. 8. She saw the Crown Jewels. 9. She went to see the Elgin marbles 10. The Elgin Marbles rooms were closed. 11. Lord Elgin brought them to Britain./Lord Elgin did. 12. He brought them in 1816. 13. She went to see ‘the Windsors’. 14. She thought it wasn’t very funny./She didn’t think it was very funny. 15. She had fish and chips. 16. It was fine. 17. She walked along the River Thames. 18. She found them very friendly 19. They sit together very comfortably. 20. Yes, she does./She wants to return. The images. 37 A clipart of London, showing Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Big Ben, a telephone box, a bus, the Gherkin. The Crown Jewels, a fabulous collection of royal jewellery and crowns, housed in the Tower of London Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry 8 th, beheaded after being accused of treason. The Elgin Marbles – Greek sculptures. The Tower of London. It is a very old building, on the banks of the Thames. The cast of ‘the Windsors’, a satirical show based on the British Royal family. Fish and chips, wrapped in newspaper. I have been to London. I saw/visited………………. I haven’t been to London. I would like/wouldn’t like to go. Практическое занятие 33-34 Задания для текущего контроля Тест по дисциплине «Английский язык» Условия выполнения задания: 1. Задание выполняется в аудитории во время занятий 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 45 минут 3. Вы можете пользоваться словарем Критерии оценивания: 40-37 правильных ответов – оценка “5” 36-33 правильных ответов – оценка “4” 32-28 правильных ответов – оценка”3” менее 28 – оценка”2” Выберите единственный вариант ответа 1.Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа: а) сhild b) childs b) children c) childrens 2. Подберите нужное местоимение: I know there is ….. in that box. a) some b) something c) anything 3. Выберите правильный вариант употребления притяжательного падежа: Can I take my __________watch, please. a) fathers b) father`s c) fathers` 4. Выберите правильный вариант, чтобы закончить предложение: The symbol of the USA is a _________ . a) red rose b) maple leaf c) bald eagle Вопросы с несколькими вариантами ответов 5. Вставьте нужные формы глаголов в предложения: 1) …..you like to go for a drive this weekend? 1. was 2) You …. a dictionary to translate this text into Russian. 2. should 3) If you have a toothache you ….. go to the dentist at once. 3. will write 4)He ….. at school yesterday. 4. was written 5) We …. a dictation at the lesson tomorrow. 5. need 6) I ………. English words at this moment. 6. is used 7) He usually ….. detective films in the evening. 7. am learning 8)This computer ...very often, use another one. 8. would 9) This poem ......by Pushkin many years ago. 9. watches 6. Выберите нужное сопутствующее слово, чтобы закончить предложение: 1) We have ___________ done this work, you may check it. a)yesterday 2) I saw this man two days … . b)already 3) They wrote a dictation at the English lesson …. c)ago 38 7. Соедините названия англоязычных стран с их столицами: 1) The USA a) London 2) Great Britain b) Canberra 3) Australia c) Washington, D.C. 8. Прочитайте текст и затем выполните задания на понимание прочитанного: The first stamp in the world was an English stamp. It was made in 1840 to pay the postage on letters going to different parts of the country. Stamps are always interesting because they have pictures on them of the countries they came from; pictures of animals and birds living in jungles or on far-away islands; and pictures showing people dressed in their national costumes. A stamp collection is not only a good textbook of history and geography. It is also a source of information on many other subjects. Sometimes there are mistakes on stamps. For example, the St. Kitts and Nevis stamp, issued in 1903, showed Christopher Columbus looking through a telescope, an instrument which was unknown in his day. On a German stamp, issued in 1956 in commemoration of the composer Schumann, the music printed on the stamp was not written by Schumann. The people knowing music well saw this mistake at once. Определите верны ли следующие предложения. Выберите T, если утверждение верно и F, если неверно: 1. The first stamp in the world was made in the USA. T F 2. The first stamp appeared in the 19-century. T F 3. A telescope was already known in the time of Columbus. T F 4. In 1956 a stamp in commemoration of Shubert was made. T F 9.Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке: 1) do the shopping/I/every Saturday/at the market 2) has/he/already/this work/done 10. Образуйте необходимую по смыслу часть речи от глагола, данного в скобках: 1) We can find all the necessary __________ in the Internet. (inform) 2) I have recently read a very …. book about adventures. (interest) Задайте разделительный вопрос к данным предложениям: 3) You are going to pass examination in History, ……. ? 4) My little sister is playing with her doll now, ….? Закончите предложение, употребив инфинитив или герундий: 5) They always enjoy _________ interesting programmes on TV. (watch) 6) I wonder if this movie is worth …. (see). Вставьте артикль a, an, the, если необходимо: 7) I want to go for ___ walk with my dog. 8) Some people enjoy going to ….. theatre very much. Ключ для контроля правильности выполнения вводного теста по английскому языку за курс средней школы № Правильный ответ Кол-во задания баллов 1 b 2 2 b 1 3 b 1 4 c 1 5 1h 9 2e 3b 4a 39 6 7 8 9 10 Итого: 5c 6g 7i 8f 9d 1b 2c 3a 1c 2a 3b 1F 2T 3F 4F 1. I do the shopping at the market every Saturday. 2. He has already done this work. 1.information 2. interesting 3.aren’t you 4. isn’t she 5. watching 6.seeing 7. a 8.the 3 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 40 баллов Практическое занятие 35 1. Прочитайте текст и напишите рассказ «How I get to the college» How I get to the work This week there is traffic jams more often. Buses, taxis, everything is blocked. In such situations I take the subway. I live 20 minutes from the metro station, but if I walk fast, it takes about 12 minutes. But when I take the subway, after I have to spend 30 minutes to go to the office. That is why I prefer to go by bus. I have a direct way without changing the transport. If it rains, I also take the bus. After that if I take the subway, my office is one hour from home. And it is about 40 minutes if I take the bus. I can also go by tram; it is cheaper a bit but it is much longer. I have to go a lot of stops. In summer I have to go by bicycle when there is a traffic jam. It takes about an hour and a half. It’s a bit long but much faster than walking. I have not to complain too much because the weather forecast is good for this week. And if there is a lot of traffic jams, I will get to the office and enjoy the nice weather. 2. Выполните грамматические упражнения. Упражнение 1. Времена Simple в пассивном залоге Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в одну из трех форм: Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое время имеется в виду. 1. The coin (to find) under the bed. - Монетка была найдена под кроватью. 2. Some mistakes cannot (to forgive). - Некоторые ошибки нельзя простить. 3. When (to lose) your passport? - Когда был потерян ваш паспорт? 40 4. The ship (to abandon) by everyone. - Корабль всеми покинут. 5. Your words (not to forget). - Ваши слова не будут забыты. 6. The airport (to build) in 1997. - Аэропорт был построен в 1997 году. 7. I (to invite) to the party. - Я приглашен на вечеринку. 8. (to deliver) the parcel? - Посылка доставлена? Упражнение 2. Времена Continuous в пассивном залоге Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в одну из форм: Continuous Passive. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое время имеется в виду. 1. I (to watch)! - За мной следят! 2. My cat (to groom) now. - Моей кошке сейчас делают стрижку. 3. The newspaper (to print). - Газету печатают. Практическое занятие 36 Практическое занятие 37 PROFESSIONS 1) Match the words and their translations: Job библиотекарь Nurse работа Librarian зубной врач Lawyer адвокат, юрист Dentist медсестра Engineer программист Computer programmer инженер Farmer водитель Housewife писатель 41 Driver домохозяйка Actor спортсмен Writer фермер Sportsman актер Actress актриса Artist художник Doctor повар Waiter доктор Cooker продавец Politician переводчик Shop-assistant политик Translator певец Coach официант Singer тренер 2) Match the professions and their definitions: 1) an architect a) works with the computer 2) a teacher b) designs buildings 3) a dentist c) plays football 4) a vet d) teaches children at school 5) a doctor e) looks after peoples teeth 6) a photographer f) looks after sick people 7) a secretary g) plays a musical instrument 8) a lawyer h) takes photos i) looks after sick animals j) doеs projects k) knows laws l) works with papers 3) Try to choose an appropriate profession: Possibilities: doctor, driver, artist, stewardess, director, singer 1. She speaks foreign languages. She works very long hours, but she doesn't work every day. She likes people and travel, and she travels а lot in her work.. She is а ... 2. She doesn't work in an office. She is not а teacher. She works very lоng hours, and she often works at night – it's а hard job. She likes people and she helps them. She loves her job. She is а ... 3. Не gets up at half past seven every day, has breakfast at eight o'clock, and starts work at half past nine. Не works in an office. Не has two secretaries and two telephones. Не does not work оn Sundays. Не likes people. Не is а ... 4. Не usually gets up at eleven o'clock, and has breakfast at 12. Не works at home. Sometimes he mау work outside. Не works in the afternoons, but not every day. Sometimes he works long hours, sometimes he does not work at аll. Не loves his job. Не is an ... 5. She lives in а big city. She gets up late and has а late breakfast. She works late in the еvеning. She goes to and from work bу taxi. People like to listеn to her аnd sometimes they send her flowers. She is а ... 6. Не gets up at five o'clock in the mоrning. Не has breakfast and lunch in motorway restaurants. Не works sitting dоwn аnd travels а lot in his work. Не likes his job. Не is а ... Практическое занятие 38 Name the profession: 1) I work outside and I love flowers. I’m a …….. . 2) I look after sick people in a hospital, but I’m not a doctor. I’m a ……… . 3) I work in a small restaurant. I prepare food for out quests. I’m a ……. . 42 4) I love animals. Some people call me an animal doctor. I’m a ……… . 5) I’m an artist and my job is taking photographs. I’m a ……. . 6) I’m interested in fashion. I make clothes for women. I’m a …….. . Task: choose the suitable words. 1. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accounts of business or people is called … 2. A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly is called … . 3. A person who practices or works in one of the fine arts is called … . 4. A person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects is called … . 5. A scientist who specializes in chemistry is called … . 6. A person who prepares and cooks food is called … . 7. A person professionally trained to treat the teeth is called … . 8. A person who works at a dock is called … . 9. A person who drives a car is called … . 10. A person who plans and understands the making of machines, roads, bridges is called … . 11. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm is called … . 12. A person who changes speech from one language into another is called … . 13. A person whose profession journalism is called … . 14. A person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court is called … . 15. A worker in a mine is called … . 16. A person who performs on a musical instrument, or who writes music is called … . 17. A person qualified to practise both medicine and surgery is called … . 18. A person who studies physics is called … . 19. A person who flies an aircraft is called … . 20. A member of a navy, or sailor on a ship, who is not an officer is called … . 21. A person who makes or repairs shoes is called … . 22. A worker in iron or other metals is called … . 23. A man who serves passengers on a ship or plane is called … . 24. A person who makes garments (одежда) for men is called … . 25. A person who changes writing from one language into another is called … . 26. A person whose job is to weave cloth is called … . For help: a) dentist, b) shoemaker, c) artist, d) tailor, e) accountant, f) driver, g) seaman, h) architect, I) physician, j) chemist, k) smith, l) docker, m) translator, n) farmer, o) carpenter, p) lawyer, g) steward, r) weaver, s) journalist, t) cook, u) physicist, v) interpreter, w) pilot, x) miner, y) musician, z) engineer. Практическое занятие 39 Unemployment Nobody - including business professionals and those who want to be employed - enjoys talking about unemployment, or the state of being out of work for those who are fit to hold a job, but it’s an important consideration of the financial industry. The unemployment rate, or the official percentage of work-eligible persons who aren’t currently hired, is often used to gauge the health of an area’s economy generally; broadly speaking, a high unemployment rate indicates a poorly performing economy, while a low unemployment rate indicates a solid economy. With that said, an unemployment rate of zero percent, meaning that every single eligible individual in an area is employed, is entirely unrealistic, and will never be seen. Full employment refers to an unemployment rate wherein almost every eligible employee is working, and a rate wherein few additional individuals can be expected to work. The common reasons for these persons not working could include their coming into an abundance of wealth but temporarily 43 deciding against retirement, and their choosing for personal reasons (such as caring for a family member) not to seek employment. Generally, an unemployment rate of just five percent or so is indicative of full employment. Accordingly, when the national or statewide unemployment rate is somewhere in the ballpark of five percent, it means that few individuals are unable to find work. Вы поняли текст? Вопрос 1: What is unemployment? a The act of being fired from a job b The time employees spend away from the office c The state of being out of work for those who are fit to hold a job d The process of a company downsizing its employee count Вопрос 2: What is the unemployment rate? a The official percentage of work-eligible persons who aren’t currently hired b A figure that’s used to gauge the overall health of an economy c The number of individuals who’ve been hired in the past month d 1 and 2 Вопрос 3: What is full employment? a The status of a company that has too many staff members b The condition of employees who’re satisfied with their work c An unemployment rate wherein almost every eligible employee is working d None of the above Вопрос 4: What unemployment rate is generally indicative of full employment? a 10% b 50% c 5% d rate has to be zero to call it full employment Вопрос 5: Low unemployment rates typically indicate which of the following: a A booming economy b A poorly performing economy c No economic shift d Much lower-than-normal wages Практическое занятие 40 A lot of people who study English want to come to Britain – perhaps to study English, and also to try using the language. Anita came to England to spend a year working and learning English. She is 25 and comes from a town in the south of France. She studied Spanish and French at university, but not English. She studied English at school for seven years, but she didn’t like it very much. She thought that the pronunciation was difficult and the lessons were boring. They learnt about the royal family, the bad food, the bad weather and England didn’t seem to be a very exciting place. Her ideas didn’t change when she came to England for the first time. She stayed in London for two months, but she couldn’t speak much English and her boyfriend came from France to see her, so they spoke French all the time. It rained a lot and they just stayed at home. She didn’t like it very much. A few years later Anita went to the Canary Islands for a year to teach French. When she was there she did some work as a translator, but soon realized that to work as an interpreter or translator she needed English. So later she wrote to a good friend in Bristol – an English girl she had met at university in France and she invited Anita to come and stay with her. It was very tiring at the beginning. Every night when she went to bed she was tired, because all day she tried to understand and speak. And she couldn’t read the newspaper, so she didn’t know what was happening in the world. After a few weeks she started working in a restaurant, washing dishes and preparing food. Because she couldn’t speak much English she sometimes had problems. Once she worked for two days in an Italian restaurant, and after 12 hours of work without a break 44 they gave her 12 pounds. She was so angry but she couldn’t say anything, because she didn’t know what to say. At first Anita studied English at home for two or three hours a day, but then she began going to English classes. She also began to give French and Spanish lessons at home, and she worked as a waitress in a restaurant two days a week. After this year Anita would like to do a two-year course in interpreting and translating in Paris, but she’ll need good English as well as French and Spanish. So perhaps she’ll spend another year in England. She thought it was not going to be fun; she was going to be lonely. But it wasn’t true. After a year in England Anita found that British people are really more open and friendly than she thought. 2. Choose the correct alternative in each of the sentences. 1. Anita didn’t like her English lessons at school because she thought … a) that they were boring. b) she didn’t need English. c) it was more interesting to study Spanish. 2. Anita didn’t speak much English during her first visit to England because … a) her boyfriend wanted to practice French with her. b) she stayed with a family who spoke French. c) her boyfriend came from France and they spoke French all the time. 3. Anita went to the Canary Islands … a) to study English. b) to work as an interpreter. c) to teach French. 4. At the beginning of her stay in England Anita went to bed tired every night because she … a) worked long hours in a restaurant. b) tried to understand and speak English. c) didn’t understand what was going on around her. 5. Because Anita couldn’t speak much English … a) she sometimes had problems. b) it wasn’t easy for her to find a job. c) she had few friends. Практическое занятие 41 Практическое занятие 42 ДИАЛОГ "РАЗГОВОР ПО ТЕЛЕФОНУ. ПЛОХАЯ СВЯЗЬ" (TELEPHONE CONVERSATION. BAD CONNECTION) - Hello. Pizza Delivery. Can I help you? - Hi. Yes, I’ve been working all day and I am really hungry. Can I order a pizza, please? - Sorry. Could you speak a bit louder, please? I can’t hear you. - Okay. I’d like to have a hot Pepperoni pizza, please. Is your home delivery service free? 45 - I’m so sorry. I didn’t catch that again. Are you going to have a pizza? - Yes. That’s right, mam. - Can you speak a little slower, please? Did you say that you want a vegetarian pizza? Is that right? - No, I didn’t. It’s strange but I can hear you quite well. - Oh, my god. There’s a lot of background noise – I can barely hear you. And I’m struggling to understand. Well… Hang on one second, please. I’ll go and turn off the radio. - Sorry. What did you say? Will you speak up, please?... Hello! … We seem to have a bad connection on this phone. Okay. I think I have to choose someone else. Sorry about that anyway. Bye! - Hello! … Apparently we got cut off. Перевод - Здравствуйте! Доставка пиццы. Чем могу вам помочь? - Привет. Я целый день работаю и очень проголодался. Можно заказать у вас пиццу? - Простите. Вы не могли бы говорить немного погромче, пожалуйста? Я вас не слышу. - Хорошо. Я бы хотел заказать пиццу Пепперони. У вас услуга доставки домой бесплатная? - Я очень извиняюсь. Я вас опять не слышу. Вы хотите заказать пиццу? - Да. Все верно, мэм. - Вы не могли бы говорить помедленнее, пожалуйста? Вы сказали, что хотите вегетарианскую пиццу? Верно? - Нет. Странно, но я вас слышу довольно хорошо. - О, боже. У вас там какой-то сильный шум – я с трудом вас слышу. Изо всех сил пытаюсь вас понять. Что ж… Подождите секундочку, пожалуйста. Пойду, выключу радио. - Простите. Что вы сказали? Говорите погромче, пожалуйста. … Алло! … Кажется, у нас плохая телефонная связь. О`кей. Думаю, мне нужно выбрать кого-то другого. В любом случае, приношу свои извинения. Пока! - Алло! … По всей видимости, нас разъединили. Практическое занятие 43 A Vital Part of Daily Life: Mobile Phones Mobile phones have changed people's lives. They give us an opportunity to stay in touch and to be reachable everywhere. If you are going to be late, you can just call your relatives, friends or colleagues or send them a text message. It is very easy and comfortable, especially for the busy modern lifestyle. So a mobile phone has become a vital part of our daily lives and it is difficult to imagine how people lived without mobile phones in the past. The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two-way radio which was a very limited means of communication. As soon as the callers moved out of range of each other's broadcast area, the signal was lost. In the 1940s, scientists began using a number of radio masts located around the countryside to pick up signals from two-way radios. A user would always be within range of one of the masts. If he moved too far away from one mast, the next mast would pick up the signal. Scientists called each mast's reception area a separate 'cell'; this is why mobile phones are also called 'cell phones'. However, 1940s technology was still quite primitive, and the 'telephones' were enormous boxes which had to be transported by car. In 1973 Dr Martin Cooper invented the first practical mobile phone for handheld use in a non-vehicle setting. Using a modern, if somewhat heavy portable handset, Cooper called his rival, Dr. Joel S. Engel, to announce his success. Until the early 1990s, most mobile phones were too large to be carried in a pocket, so they were typically installed in vehicles as car phones. Since digital components became miniature and more sophisticated batteries were developed, mobile phones have become smaller and lighter. So the large plastic bricks of the 80s turned into smooth little objects that could be put into pockets and bags. In the mid-90s almost everyone had a mobile phone. 46 Over the last few years mobiles have become more and more advanced. Modern mobile phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, gaming, Bluetooth, personal organiser, camera with video recorder, MMS for sending and receiving photos and video, MP3 player, radio, GPS navigation, etc. Nowadays the mobile phone is often called the Fourth Screen (after cinema, TV and PC screens as the first three). It is also called the Seventh of the Mass Media (with Print, Recordings, Cinema, Radio, TV and Internet as the first six). The most commonly used data application on mobile phones is Short message service (SMS). It is a wireless service that enables to send and receive short messages to and from mobile telephones. It is interesting to know that the first SMS text message was sent from a computer to a mobile phone in 1992 in the UK, while the first person-to-person SMS from phone to phone was sent in Finland in 1993. SMS messages have a number of advantages. Firstly, SMS is a rather cheap and quick method of communication. Secondly, SMS messages are non-intrusive. In comparison with a call they do not interrupt a person if he or she is in the middle of a meeting and can't answer you right now. The 160-character limit on text messages has led to a new, abbreviated version of English similar to a rebus. There are no standard rules for writing SMS messages, and a lot of words can be shortened. Sending SMS messages can be time consuming. The objective of SMS is to convey a comprehensible message as quickly as possible. That is why traditional rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation are largely ignored when you are hurriedly typing to your friend that you are going to be late. Some people say that mobile phones deprive them of privacy and it is almost impossible to have a rest with your mobile phone on. Many people are also worried about the harmful influence of mobile phones on their health. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. Scientists persuade that there is no significant health effect from mobile phone radiation. But still it is better not to use your mobile phone too often. 1. Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE: 1) The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two-way radio. - T F 2) In 1973 Dr. Joel S. Engel invented the first practical mobile phone for handheld use in a nonvehicle setting. - T F 3) Until the early 1990s, most mobile phones were smooth little objects that could be put into pockets and bags. - T F 4) In the mid-90s very few people had a mobile phone. - T F 5) Nowadays the mobile phone is often called the Fourth Screen. - T F 6) The first SMS text message was sent from a computer to a mobile phone in 1992 in Finland. T F 7) There are no standard rules for writing SMS messages. - T F 8) Scientists persuade that there is a significant harmful health effect from mobile phone radiation. - T F Практическое занятие 44 1. Match the sentences 1–9 with the responses a–i. 1. Could I speak to Diana Wong, please? 8. Who’s calling? 2. Shall I take a message... 9. I’m sorry, the line is busy. 3. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. a) G-I-N-S. 4. Can she call you back? b) My name is Phillip Nevill. 5. Could you spell that, please? c) Yes, I’m here all day. 6. Would you like to hold the line? d) About 4 o’clock. 7. When are you expecting her back? e) No thanks. I’ll call back. 47 f) Speaking. g) Yes please. Tell her Tom called. 2. Choose the best response. 1. I’d like to speak to Ms. Chan, please. a) Yes. b) I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment. c) Well. You can’t. 2. Could I speak to Marta Owen, please? a) Who’s calling? b) Who are you? c) What’s your name? 3. Can I speak to Mr. Ramirez, please? a) Hold on, please. b) Don’t go away. c) All right. 4. Can I call back later? a) Yes, call me. b) Yes, please do. c) Of course call, yes. 5. Who’s speaking? a) I’m called Pierre Marcel. b) My name’s Pierre Marcel. c) Pierre Marcel is speaking. h) That’s OK. I’ll hold. i) Oh, no. Sorry. Практическое занятие 45 3. Request information as in the example. Make questions using could, would in a similar way. Example. You don’t know a caller’s name. (give) – Could you give me your name, please? 1. You aren’t sure exactly what the caller is phoning about. (tell) 2. You want to know the caller’s telephone number. (give) 3. You don’t know how to spell the caller’s name. (spell) 4. You didn’t hear the caller’s address clearly. (repeat) 5. You want to find out when the caller will be in the office tomorrow. (tell) 6. You aren’t sure about the delivery date of your order. (confirm) 4. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations. 1) Сохранять спокойствие и самоконтроль; 2) профессиональные установки; 3) избегать сленга; 4) не забывать вежливые фразы; 5) полезные подсказки; 6) позволить говорящему узнать о чем-либо; 7) понимать ясно и точно; 8) убедиться в чем-либо. Практическое занятие 46 48 Практическое занятие 47-48 Упражнение Telephoning Задание: составьте 3 диалога, подобрав правильные фразы. Начало каждого диалога отмечено цифрами I, II, III. 49 I. 1.Michael: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Linch? II. 2. .Linda: Good afternoon, Mrs.James. Can I speak to Kate? III. 3. Operator: Enquiry Service. How can I help you? 4. Mr. Linch: See you then. 5. Mrs.James: I think, she has some homework to do. So, she should be home by 6 pm. Do you want to leave her a message? 6. Mr. Linch: Yes, go on. What's happened? 7. Linda: Yes, Mrs.James, it's me. 8. Operator: You're welcome. Anything else? 9. Mr. Linch: Hello. 10. Linda: Yes, sure. 11. Michael: This is Michael Bates from the Sales Department. 12. Linda: Thank you, Mrs.James. Bye. 13. Bob: No, thanks. I need just these two numbers. 14. Bob: Yes, please. I also need the number of the city bus station. 15. Mrs.James: Hello, Linda. Is that you? 16. Secretary: Who's calling, please? 17. Michael: This morning he has presented a new project of marketing and it was really impresive. He would like to share it with you whenever you are ready to receive him. 18. Linda: I see. Do you happen know when she is back? 19. Secretary: Thank you. One moment, please. I'm putting you through. 20. Mrs.James: She was around a while ago. Can you hold on a minute? I'll check if she is still in. 21. Operator: Just a minute. Let's see. It's 215-347-6680 ( two-one-five-three-four-seven-double six-eightoh). Do you need any other help? 22. Bob: Thank you very much. 23. Mr. Linch: Great! I'm ready to take a look at his project. Today I will be away till late evening, so let's do it tomorrow morning, 9 am sharp. 24. Operator: Hold on a second. It's 215-304-57-99 (two-one-five-three-oh-four-five-seven-double nine). 25. Mrs.James: Sorry, Linda. I think she's already left. She was going to visit her cousins and then to the library. 1. Майкл: До свидания, мистер Линч. 2. М-р Линч: Да, продолжай. Что случилось? 3. Линда: Да, миссис Джеймс, это я. 4. Линда: Понятно. А Вы случайно не знаете, когда она вернется? 5. Линда: Добрый день, миссис Джеймс. Могу я поговорить с Кэйт? 6. Оператор: Не за что. Что-то ещё? 7. Майкл: Это Майкл Бэйтс из отдела продаж. 8. Линда: Спасибо, миссис Джеймс. До свидания. 9. Боб: Нет, спасибо. Мне нужны только эти два номера. 10. .Майкл: Алло. Могу я поговорить с мистером Линчем? 11. Майкл: Этим утром он представил новый проект по маркетингу, который был очень впечатляющий. Он хотел бы поделиться и с Вами, как только Вы будете готовы принять его. 12. М-с Джеймс: Я думаю, что ей ещё нужно сделать домашнюю работу. Поэтому она должна вернуться к 6 вечера. Хочешь оставить ей сообщение? 13. Оператор: Справочная служба. Могу я Вам чем-нибудь помочь? 14. Майкл: Вас понял, мистер Линч. Мы будем в Вашем офисе завтра утром. Я сопровожу его. 15. Секретарь: Спасибо. Минутку, пожалуйста. Я соединяю Вас. 16. Линда: Да, конечно. 17. Боб: Да, пожалуйста. Мне также нужен номер городской автобусной станции. 18.Майкл: Добрый день, мистер Линч. Это Майкл Бэйтс из отдела продаж. Я звоню от имени одного из наших менеджеров. 19. Боб: Не могли бы Вы мне сказать номер местной железнодорожной станции? 20. М-р Линч: В таком случае, до встречи. 50 26. Michael: All clear, Mr.Linch. We'll be at your office tomorrow morning. I will accompany him. 27 . Linda: No, thanks, Mrs.James. I think I'll go to the library as well. Maybe I'll see her there. If not, please, tell her I was calling. 28. Bob: Can you tell me the number of local train station? 29. Mrs.James: All right, Linda. Will do. Take care. 30. Michael: Good afternoon, Mr. Linch. It's Michael Bates from the Sales Department. I'm calling on the behalf of one of our managers. 31. Michael: Good-bye, Mr. Linch. 21.М-р Линч: Алло. 22. Секретарь: Представьтесь, пожалуйста. 23. Линда: Нет, спасибо, миссис Джеймс. Думаю, мне тоже нужно сходить в библиотеку. Возможно я с ней там встречусь. Если нет, пожалуйста, передайте ей, что я звонила. 24. М-с Джеймс: Алло, Линда. Это ты? 25. М-р Линч: Замечательно! Я готов взглянуть на его проект. Сегодня я уезжаю до позднего вечера, поэтому давайт встретимся завтра утром, ровно в 9. 26. М-с Джеймс: Она была тут секунду назад. Подожди минутку. Я посмотрю, дома ли она ещё. 27. Оператор: Подождите секундочку. Номер 215-304-57-99. 28. М-с Джеймс: Извини, Линда. Думаю, она уже ушла. Она собиралась сходить к своим двоюродным братьям, а затем в библиотеку. 29. М-с Джеймс: Хорошо, Линда. Так и сделаю. Береги себя. 30. Оператор: Минутку. Посмотрим. Номер 215-347-66-80. Могу я Вам ещё чем-нибудь помочь? 31. Боб: Большое спасибо. Практическое занятие 49 Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. HOW MANY CONTINENTS and COUNTRIES ARE THERE? The planet we live on is known as Earth. A map is a drawing that shows all or part of the earth’s surface. Directions are easy to find on a map. Most maps are printed so that north is toward the top of the page. Many maps also have an arrow that tells you where north is. If you know which direction is north, you can easily find the other directions. South is the direction opposite from north. East is to the right as you face north, and west is to the left. No map is as large as the area it represents. How much smaller the map is than the actual area is indicated by the scale. Scale is relative size. Many maps use a scale bar to indicate scale. A scale bar is a bar or line. It tells you how many feet, miles, or kilometers on the earth are represented by a certain distance on the map. Planet Earth is home to 7.3 billion people and over 1.5 million different species of animals, insects, and plants spread across 7 continents. Some consider the North and South American continent to be just one landmass referred to as the “American Continent.” Europe and Asia continent are also combined at times and referred to as “Eurasia.” The continent of Australia is 51 often confused with the country of Australia. The Australian Continent includes Australia (country), Tasmania, New Guinea and others. This region is also referred to as “Oceania,” which includes the previously listed countries as well as New Zealand, Micronesian, and Polynesian islands. Oceania is generally not considered a continent as it does not make up “a single continuous landmass. The waters of the World Ocean wash its main territory. The parts of the land marked on the map in the form of large islands are called continents. They are presented as: Eurasia (united Europe with Asia), Africa, North and South America, (represent part of the world - America), Australia, Antarctica. There are four huge oceans on the planet. Pacific Ocean ranks first in its huge size. This is followed by the Atlantic Ocean, which is only slightly inferior to the Pacific Ocean. The third place is occupied by the Indian, and the smallest is the Arctic Ocean. The map shows the equator - a conditional line that divides the globe into two hemispheres: the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The world map also displays mountain, forest and river systems, plains, lakes, seas, waterfalls, swamps. Such a card is called a physical card. There is also a political map of the world, which represents the location of countries and states with their borders. Europe - one of the six parts of the world, is part of the continent of Eurasia, along with Asia. Despite the fact that it is reliably known that Europe is not the cradle of man, all the same, Europe is the birthplace of the modern world. After all, almost everything that we now have and how we live was born precisely in it. Europe is located north of the Equator. It is named in honor of the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by two oceans (Arctic and Atlantic) and many seas (Mediterranean, Adriatic, Black, etc.). Conventionally, Europe is divided into five parts: Southern, Western, Northern, Central and Eastern. On the territory there are 43 countries. Another five countries are only partially located in Europe. The highest point in Europe is Elbrus. Each of the continents of the world is unique. Each has its own cultures, languages, climate, geographic features and identity. As a result of this diversity, every continent is divided into several countries with the exception of Antarctica (which currently has no countries within its borders.) Currently, there are 195 countries across the seven continents. Africa is split into 54 countries, Asia 48, Australia/Oceania 7, Europe 51, North America 23, and South America, 12. Задание 1. What is scale? (Что такое масштаб?) Практическое занятие 50 Задание 2. How many continents are there on Earth? Why is Europe one of the 6 continents? ( Сколько континентов на Земле? Почему Европа один из 6 континентов?) Задание 3. What is the equator? (Что такое экватор?) Задание 4. How many countries are there in the world? ( Сколько в мире стран?) Задание 5. Using the description from the text, draw a map of the Earth by specifying: a) cardinal directions, c) scale, c) continents, d) oceans, e) equator f) number of countries by continent. (Используя описание из текста, изобразите карту Земли указав: а) стороны света, в) масштаб, с) континенты, d) океаны, e) Экватор f) количество стран по континентам) Практическое занятие 51-52 52 Практическое занятие 53 The National Emblems and Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Wordlist. the Union Jack [ ˈjuːniən ] [ dʒæk ] - Юнион Джек (название национального флага Соединенного Королевства ) the Royal coat of arms-Королевский герб, щит герба unicorn [ ˈjuː.nɪ.kɔːn ] - единорог red rose-красная роза (эмблема Англии) thistle [ ˈθɪs.l̩ ] -чертополох (эмблема Шотландии) leek-лук-порей (эмблема Уэльса) daffodil-нарцисс (вторая эмблема Уэльса) shamrock [ ˈʃæm.rɒk ] -трилистник (эмблема Северной Ирландии) The National Flag of the UK. The national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is called the Union Jack. Union Jack is a mixture of several overlaid flags. It combines three flags representing England, Scotland and Ireland. These flags are the crosses of the Patron Saint of England (St. George's Cross — red cross on a white ground), the flag of the Patron Saint of Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross — white diagonal cross on a blue ground) and the flag of the Patron Saint of Northern Ireland (St. Patrick's Cross — red diagonal on a white ground). St. David of Wales is not represented in the flag probably because Wales is a principality, not a kingdom. The Royal Coat of Arms. 53 The main National Royal symbol is the Royal Coat of Arms, which identifies the person who is the Head of State. The royal Coat of Arms reflects the history of the Monarchy and of the country, because it comprises the various Royal emblems of different parts of the United Kingdom. In the centre of the emblem a heraldic shield is situated. It is divided into four parts: three gold leopards or lions on a red ground is the English emblem, a red lion on a gold ground is the Scottish emblem, yellow harp on a blue ground is the Irish emblem. The shield is supported by two Royal Beasts — the Lion with the crown on the left and the Unicorn on the right. The Lion represents pride, bravery, valour. It is also a symbol of power and royalty. The unicorn is a mythical animal. It has appeared at the British and the Scottish coats of arms and is the symbol of purity. They are surmounted by the Royal crown. King James VI of Scotland brought one of the unicorns and changed the red draqon which earlier represented Wales on the coat of arms. Around the shield there is a garter with the motto of the Royal family "Honi soit qui mal у pense" (French for "Evil to him who evil thinks"), which symbolises the Order of the Garter, an ancient order of chivalry of which the Queen is Sovereign. The National Symbol of England / Государственная эмблема (Национальный символ) Англии The red rose is the symbol of England. It comes from the history of the country. This symbol goes back to the War of the Roses, which was the war within the country. In the 15th century two Houses were struggling for the English throne — the Lancastrians and the Yorkists. Red rose was the emblem of the Lancastrians and the white rose was that of the Yorkists. Their rival ended when King Henry VII, the Lancastrian, married Princess Elizabeth, the daughter of the Yorkist. Since that time the red rose has become the national emblem of England. An oak is also depicted as the national symbol of the country. The National Symbol of Scotland / Государственная эмблема (Национальный символ) Шотландии For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland's national emblem. There is a legend that explains why it became the Scottish emblem. According to that legend, ancient Scandinavians (the Norsemen) wanted to plunder the land of Scotland and settle there. So, they landed on the east coast of Scotland. The Scots gathered their army to defend the land. They assembled behind the river Tay and made a camp to have rest after a long march. The Scots were sleeping and did not expect the enemies. 54 When the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots, they took their shoes off not to make noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle. That sudden and sharp pain made him scream. So the Scots heard this "alarm" and put the Norsemen to fight. That is how the thistle became the emblem of Scotland. The National Symbol of Wales / Государственная эмблема (Национальный символ) Уэльса Wales has got two national symbols. These are the daffodil and the leek. They are both connected to the Patron Saint of Wales. According to the legend, during a battle against the Saxons, St. David advised his soldiers to wear leeks in their hats so that they could easily be distinguished from their enemies. Another link between the leek and St. David is the belief that he had to live on bread and wild leek for several years. However, today each year on St. David's Day the leek is worn in the cap badges of every soldier in every Welsh regiment. But outside the army, many other Welsh people have substituted the leek by the daffodil, perhaps because it looks more attractive and certainly smells a lot better. The daffodil is also associated with St. David's Day, due to the fact that it breaks into blossom on that day. Interesting to note that one of the many Welsh names for a daffodil is "Cenhinen Bedr" which means "Peter's leek". The National Emblem of Northern Ireland / Государственная эмблема (Национальный символ) Северной Ирландии The shamrock is the symbol of Northern Ireland. It is also connected to St. Patric, Patron Saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick is most famous for bringing Christianity to Ireland. The legend tells how he used the shamrock, a kind of a white clover with three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity. Apparently, he used it to show how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. The red hand is also a symbol of Nothern Ireland. The Red Hand is in its flag. According to the myth, there was time when the heir to the throne of Ireland was undecided. And they decided to hold a boat-race and the winner (the first who would reach the shore of Ulster) would be the king. One competitor so much desired the country that when he saw that he was loosing the race, he cut his hand, threw it to the shore and won. The hand is most likely red because it was covered with blood. Практическое занятие 54 55 Практическое занятие 55-56 The Metric System Physics is a science based on exact measurement, so we all must be familiar with commonly used units of measurements. There are four basic concepts: length, mass, temperature and time. The units used to measure them are called fundamental units. There are two widely used sets of fundamental units: the Metric System and the English System. The Metric System or the International System is based on metric units. Using metric units length is usually measured in millimetres, centimetres, metres or kilometres; time is measured in seconds, minutes or hours; and mass is measured in drammes or kilogrammes. The English System uses the foot, yard and mile as units of length; the ounce, pound and ton as units of force and the second as the unit of time. Although the UK and the USA officially adopted the Metric System of units, but in practice they still widely use the English System. The chief advantage of the Metric System is that all units are divided into 10 or 100 parts. It is well known, these units are easier to manipulate in the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This system was invented in France and accepted universally in science. Scientists have produced a code of standard symbols and to simplify the representation of units a standard list of abbreviations has been adopted. Scales to measure the temperature are also different. Centigrade scale is used mostly in Europe. It is such a scale, in which water freezes at zero and boils at 100 degrees. It is shown by the symbol C. In America, Fahrenheit scale is used to measure the temperature. It is such a scale in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. Task 1. Translate the words in the list without using dictionaries. Physics, system, international, metre, gramm, mile, universally, metric, yard, standard, foot, symbol code, Centigrade, kilometres, pounds, measure. Task 2. Complete the sentences. 1. Fundamental units are …. . 2. The Metric System is based …. . 3. The English System uses … . 4. The advantage of the Metric System is … . 56 5. For convenient representation of units we use …. 6. To measure the temperature, Americans use … . Task 3. Answer the questions. 1 .What units are used to measure length, mass, temperature and time? 2. What is the difference between the Metric System and the English System? 3. What is the advantage of the Metric System? 4. How can we represent units of measurement? 5. What scales of measuring the temperature do people use in America and Europe? Task 4. Выполните расчеты. 1. Calculate the distance to the Moon in kilomerters if the distance is 239,000 miles. 2. Convert 79 cm to the equivalent in inches. 3. Convert 19 kg to the equivalent in pounds. 4 .Calculate the distance to the Sun in kilometres if the distance is 90, 000, 000 miles. 5. Convert 600 F; - 40 F; 1200 F to the equivalent in Centigrade. 6. Convert 112,12 g to the equivalent in ounces. Практическое занятие 57 Task 5. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the units of measurement. 1. The TU-144 supersonic liner developed a speed of 2,430km per hour at an attitude of 16,960 metres. 2. He had travelled 60 miles to Liverpool and back on business. 3. The smallest spider is less than 1mm in body length and the biggest one can have body length up to 90mm. 4.The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. 5.Galileo’s telescope had a lens only 2,25 inches in diameter. 6.The Cyclops, a 19,000-ton US ship vanished with its crew from the surface of the ocean without making a distress call. 7.Baby giant pandas are very small, blind, pinkish and weight about 5 ounces at birth. Task 6. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the units of measurement. 1. Наш университет находится в полумиле от центра города. 2. Последние модели спортивных автомобилей развивают скорость до 300 километров в час. 3. Огромный 10,000 тонный круизный лайнер отправился в плавание по Средиземному морю. 4. Неопознанный летающий объект, освещаемый ярким светом, парил в воздухе в 50 дюймах от земли около 15 секунд, а затем исчез в полумраке ночи. 5. Клей этой марки обеспечивает надежность склеивания в интервале температур от 60 до 300 градусов по Цельсию, а также стоек к воздействию влаги. GRAMMAR Words ounce, pound, ton, inch, mile, yard have plural forms: one inch – ten inches; one mile – four miles; one pound – six pounds; one ton – two tons. The word foot can be used in the plural feet : six foot tall = six feet tall. The word stone hasn’t the plural form: one stone, 8 stone. Compound adjectives consisting of terms of length, mass, temperature and distance do not have plurals: a two-mile walk, a six-inch ruler, a ten-ton lorry. Практическое занятие 58 1. What do abbreviation stand for? Match to each other. 1. Centimeter a) km 2. Gram b) ml 3. Cubic c)kg 4. Square d) m 57 5. Kilogram e)cm 6. Kilometer f) g 7. Liter g) (x)2 8. Meter h) l 9. Milliliter i) (x)3 2. Write with the help of abbreviations: Пишем № пункта и сразу краткое выражение указанного словосочетания. 1. Twenty two kilometers per hour 2. Three liters 3. One point five square meters 4. Sixty square kilometers 5. Fifty milliliters 6. Nough point seven five cubic meters 7. Eighteen grams 8. One point five meters by fifty centimeters 3. Fill in the gaps: area, capacity, distance, length, liquid (quantity), speed, weight, height. Пишем полным ответом 1. The ____ of Eiffel Tower in Paris is about 300 meters. 2. The ____ of Charles Bridge in Prague is 516 meters. 3. The surface _____ of lake Balaton in Hungary is 593km2. 4. The maximum _____ limit on expressways in Poland is 110 per hour. 5. The ____ of a city bell in Dubrovnik is 2000kg. 6. The _____ between Bratislava and Budapest is about 200km. 7. A magnum champagne bottle can hold 1.5 liter of ____. 8. The engine ____ of a Formula One car is 3000 cm3. 4. Используя новую лексику – обозначения и аббревиатуры единиц измерения, полным ответом ответьте на вопросы: 1. What area is your own room? 2. How tall are you? 3. What is a speed limit in your city roads? 4. How fast can you run? 5. What is the area of your desk at home? 6. How much does your school bag weigh? 7. How much did you weigh when you were born? 8. How far is from your home town to the capital city (Moscow)? Практическое занятие 59 Text: Shopping When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery. I like to do my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, true to its name, is composed of many departments: readymade clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, electric appliances, cosmetics, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You can buy everything you like there. 58 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos. In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, flour, tea. At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits. Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products. The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a selfservice shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change. Exercise 1: Guess the meaning of the following international words: Shopping, supermarket, cosmetics, camera, escalator, costume, blouse, sport, sweater, cardigan, pullover, jacket, perfumery, cream, shampoo Exercise 4: Answer the questions: What do we do when we want to buy smth? What kinds of shops are there in every town? Where do you like to do your shopping? What departments is a department store composed of? Where are the things for sale? What can we buy in the knitwear department? What can we buy in a food supermarket? What methods of shopping are there? Are there many departments in the department store? What are they? Практическое занятие 60 Exercise 2: Give the English equivalents for the words below: Универмаг, бакалейная лавка, булочная, мясная лавка, товары, покупатель (клиент), прилавок, овощная / фруктовая лавка, в расфасованном виде, в упакованном виде, молочный магазин, магазин самообслуживания, продавец-консультант, кассир, сдача Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the text: 1. There are many kinds of shops… 2. A department store, for example… 3. The things for sale… 4. In the women's clothing department… 5. In the men's clothing department… 6. In the knitwear department… 7. In the perfumery… 8. In a food supermarket… 9. At the butcher's… 10. At the bakery… 59 Практическое занятие 61 Текст 1. Прочтите, переведите текст и выполните задания после текста. Trading Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services for money or money's worth. It involves transfer or exchange of goods and services for money or money's worth. The manufacturers or producer produces the goods, which then move on to the wholesaler, then to the retailer and finally to the ultimate consumer. Trade is essential for satisfaction of human wants. Trade is conducted not only for the sake of earning profit; it also provides service to the consumers. It enhances the standard of living of consumers. Thus we can say that trade is a very important social activity. Trade can be divided into Internal or Home or Domestic trade and External or Foreign or International trade. 1. Internal Trade is conducted within the political and geographical boundaries of a country. It can be at local level, regional level or national level. Internal trade can be further sub-divided into wholesale trade and retail trade. Internal trade involves buying in large quantities from producers or manufacturers and selling in lots to retailers for resale to consumers. Wholesalers act as an intermediary between producers and retailers. Retail trade involves buying in smaller lots from the wholesalers and selling in very small quantities to the consumers for personal use. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution. Small scale retailers includes hawkers, pedlars, general shops, etc. 2. External Trade refers to buying and selling between two or more countries. External trade can be further sub-divided into three groups: export trade, import trade, entrepot trade. When a trader from home country sells his goods to a trader located in another country, it is called export trade. When a trader in home country obtains or purchase goods from a trader located in another country, it is called import trade. When goods are imported from one country and then re-exported after doing some processing, it is called entrepot trade. In brief, it can be also called as re-export of processed imported goods. Торговый Торговля относится к покупке и продаже товаров и услуг за деньги или на денежную сумму. Это включает в себя передачу или обмен товаров и услуг за деньги или на денежную сумму. Производители или производитель производят товары, которые затем переходят к оптовому продавцу, затем к розничному продавцу и, наконец, к конечному потребителю. Торговля необходима для удовлетворения человеческих потребностей. Торговля ведется не только ради получения прибыли, но и для обслуживания потребителей. Это повышает уровень жизни потребителей. Таким образом, мы можем сказать, что торговля - это очень важная социальная деятельность. Торговлю можно разделить на Внутреннюю, или Внутреннюю, или Внутреннюю торговлю, и Внешнюю, или Внешнюю, или Международную торговлю. 1. Внутренняя торговля осуществляется в пределах политических и географических границ страны. Это может быть на местном, региональном или национальном уровне. Внутренняя торговля может быть дополнительно подразделена на оптовую торговлю и розничную торговлю. Внутренняя торговля предполагает покупку в больших количествах у производителей или производителей и продажу партиями розничным торговцам для перепродажи потребителям. Оптовые торговцы выступают в качестве посредника между производителями и розничными торговцами. Розничная торговля предполагает покупку небольшими партиями у оптовиков и продажу в очень небольших количествах потребителям для личного пользования. Розничный торговец является последним звеном в цепочке дистрибуции. Мелкая розничная торговля включает в себя лоточников, разносчиков, универсальные магазины и т.д. 60 2. Внешняя торговля относится к покупке и продаже между двумя или более странами. Внешнюю торговлю можно далее разделить на три группы: экспортная торговля, импортная торговля, предпринимательская торговля. Когда торговец из родной страны продает свои товары торговцу, находящемуся в другой стране, это называется экспортной торговлей. Когда торговец в родной стране получает или покупает товары у торговца, находящегося в другой стране, это называется импортной торговлей. Когда товары импортируются из одной страны, а затем реэкспортируются после некоторой обработки, это называется предпринимательской торговлей. Вкратце, это можно также назвать реэкспортом переработанных импортных товаров. Задание 1. Перескажите текст, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why is trade essential for? 2. How can trade be divided into? 3. Can internal trade be further sub-divided into? 4. What do we call export trade? 5. What do we call import trade? Практическое занятие 62 Types of Shops Pharmacy a shop or a part of a shop where medicines are prepared and sold Butcher shop a shop in which you can buy meat, poultry and sometimes fish Florist's a shop that sells flowers and plants Dry cleaner's a shop where clothes are cleaned Fishmonger's a shop that sells fish Bookshop a shop in which newspapers, magazines, calendars etc. are sold Greengrocer's a shop that sells fruit and vegetables Gift shop a shop that sells goods which are suitable for giving as a present Pet shop a shop where pet animals can be purchased Department store a large shop divided into several different parts. It sells many different items Grocery shop a shop in which food is sold Bakery a place where bread, cookies and other baked food are sold Практическое занятие 63 Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps using new words: Florist’s Pharmacy Butcher shop 1. Would you go to the _______? Your mother has a headache and she needs some aspirin. 2. Yesterday, the milk I bought at the _______ had turned sour. I was pretty furious about it. 3. I bought this novel at the _______ opposite my school. 4. I went to the _______ to get some apples because I wanted to bake your favourite cake. 5. I want to buy some bread. Where is the nearest _______? 6. - My husband stained his suit. What should I do? - Just take it to the _______. 61 7. Henry's son is a butcher. He started working at a _______ a few months ago. 8. The _______ still has yellow tulips for sale. You can buy some for your wife as a gift. 9. Could you go and get some flounder for supper at the _______? 10. - Where did you buy this funny parrot? - My parents got it at the _______. 11. I would like to buy a souvenir for my mother. I am looking for a _______ near here. 12. Harrods is the greatest _______ in London. Dry cleaner’s Greengrocer’s Bakery Exercise 2: Match the words in the columns: Pharmacy bread meat pies Butcher shop beef paper-clips pet food Florist's birthday cards bunches of roses ham Fishmonger's vegetables fish seafood Bookshop pork aspirin evening dresses Greengrocer's books parrots souvenirs Gift shop medicine crabs posters Pet shop kittens cakes soft toys Department store flowers sausages pencils Grocery shop fruit cookies shoes Bakery puppies trendy clothes potatoes Exercise 3: Find the articles of shops hidden in this grid: F A F E F W P H A R M A C Y Z L B Т O I N L O D Q R K A G P O H O S S B V U A L U S H I E R E S X H D B K O I I C U F T I R K M M C X V D F G E I T S S D B O O K S H O P D U O S H T I Y P N J L N E T S H P H O S P A T G R O C E R Y S H O P K G R E E N G R O C E R S P Z B A K E R Y P A U V W P Q N M Q K U W S P A E T Y U I O G D Z B U T C H E R S H O P W R P D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E Практическое занятие 64 Текст 4. Прочтите, переведите текст и выполните задания после текста. Marketing and promotion Marketing is an activity that includes different kinds of business dealings with the movement of goods and services from producer to consumer. It is a very complex process. It includes such activities as product planning, storage, buying, pricing, promotion, selling, traffic, distribution 62 of ideas and research. The aim of marketing is to find out what the other person wants, and then manufacture it for him. So marketing is the management function which organizes and directs all business activities involved in assessing and converting customer purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or service so as to achieve the profit, target or other objectives set by a company. Маркетинг и продвижение Маркетинг - это деятельность, которая включает в себя различные виды деловых операций, связанных с перемещением товаров и услуг от производителя к потребителю. Это очень сложный процесс. Она включает в себя такие виды деятельности, как планирование продукта, хранение, покупка, ценообразование, продвижение, продажи, трафик, распространение идей и исследования. Цель маркетинга - выяснить, чего хочет другой человек, а затем изготовить это для него. Таким образом, маркетинг - это функция управления, которая организует и направляет всю деловую деятельность, связанную с оценкой и преобразованием покупательной способности клиентов в эффективный спрос на конкретный продукт или услугу для достижения прибыли, целевых или других целей, поставленных компанией. Marketing research in this respect helps producers very much. A marketer must determine what customer needs are. It’s done by way of market segmentation. Every market can be divided into segments or, in other words, into separate groups of consumers. First, there are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home and neighbourhood, etc. Then there are psychographic factors – the customer’s opinions and interests, hobbies, vacation spots, favourite spots, etc. The ABC of marketing is the so-called Marketing Mix. It consists of 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion. Place means the location of certain goods and services and their distribution. Маркетинговые исследования в этом отношении очень помогают производителям. Маркетолог должен определить, каковы потребности клиента. Это делается путем сегментации рынка. Каждый рынок можно разделить на сегменты или, другими словами, на отдельные группы потребителей. Во-первых, существуют демографические факторы, такие как возраст, доход, образование, профессия, размер семьи, тип дома и района и т.д. Затем есть психографические факторы – мнения и интересы клиента, хобби, места отдыха, любимые места и т.д. Азбука маркетинга - это так называемый Маркетинговый комплекс. Он состоит из 4 элементов: продукт, цена, место и продвижение. Место означает местоположение определенных товаров и услуг и их распределение. Promotion includes all kinds of communications in marketing, say, advertising, sales, direct mail, free additions and fairs. The primary objectives of promotion are to inform consumers (potential customers) of the existence of certain goods, and services, to demonstrate their advantages and to persuade the consumer to buy them. The third element of Marketing Mix is Product. It is often connected with research and development of a new product or service, testing it, searching the potential markets and introduction to the market. Product is the most controllable of the 4 elements of Marketing Mix. The most changeable element of all the 4 is Price. As prices rise, we can buy fewer things or only things of lower quality; on the contrary, as prices fall, customers can buy more things or things of better quality. Продвижение включает в себя все виды маркетинговых коммуникаций, например, рекламу, продажи, прямую почтовую рассылку, бесплатные дополнения и ярмарки. Основными целями продвижения являются информирование потребителей (потенциальных клиентов) о существовании определенных товаров и услуг, демонстрация их преимуществ и убеждение потребителя купить их. 63 Третий элемент Комплекса маркетинга - это Продукт. Это часто связано с исследованиями и разработкой нового продукта или услуги, его тестированием, поиском потенциальных рынков и выводом на рынок. Продукт является наиболее контролируемым из 4 элементов комплекса маркетинга. Самым изменчивым элементом из всех 4-х является цена. Когда цены растут, мы можем покупать меньше вещей или только вещи более низкого качества; напротив, когда цены падают, клиенты могут покупать больше вещей или вещей лучшего качества. Задание 1. Перескажите текст, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is the aim of marketing? 2. What segments can every market be divided into? 3. What is the ABC of marketing? 4. What does Marketing Mix consist of? 5. What is the most changeable element of Marketing Mix? Практическое занятие 65 Прочтите, переведите текст и выполните задания после текста. Advertising Advertising is the act of making a product, a job vacancy, an event publicly known. It is a nonpersonal form of communication through paid means of information distribution with a clearly National source of financing. In business billions are spent on advertising. Products and services are advertised through mass media (including radio broadcast, television, newspapers and magazines), billboards, handbills, booklets and so on. In big business the whole army of specialists is employed in the field of advertising. They work out advertising programmes, provide means for advertising purposes, discuss and solve many advertising problems with the owner or manager of a company. Making advertisement is a complicated five-stage process which includes such stages as setting the objectives, drawing up a budget, the appeal, the choice of means of information distribution and assessment of the results. Informing prevails on the stage of introducing a new product on the market. Persuading forms a special demand for a certain brand of products. Comparative adverts are used to promote such categories of goods as deodorants, tooth paste, tires and cars. Reminding is important to make the consumer remember the product but not to persuade or inform. The budget can be drawn up according to such principles as “on the level of competitors”, “out of certain objectives and goals”, etc. Any advertiser should keep in mind the four AIDA points – attention, interest, desire, action – consequent stages of the consumer’s response before buying. The choice of means of information distribution depends on setting the following questions: stating the range of frequency and the impact of the advert, choosing a specific advertising means and the right schedule. The economics of advertising continue to be subject to much discussion. It is true that the total expenditure on advertising is high. Most of it is spent on promoting “branded goods”. This is almost inevitable: if advertised goods were not branded, the buyer would have no guide to enable him to recognize in the shops the goods he has seen mentioned in an advertisements. Unless goods were branded, no mass market could be created under modern condition and there would be no steady demand. Рекламирующий Реклама - это акт обнародования продукта, вакансии, события. Это неличная форма общения посредством платных средств распространения информации с явно национальным источником финансирования. В бизнесе миллиарды тратятся на рекламу. Товары и услуги рекламируются через средства массовой информации (включая радиовещание, телевидение, газеты и журналы), 64 рекламные щиты, рекламные листовки, буклеты и так далее. В большом бизнесе в области рекламы занята целая армия специалистов. Они разрабатывают рекламные программы, предоставляют средства для рекламных целей, обсуждают и решают многие рекламные проблемы с владельцем или менеджером компании. Создание рекламы - это сложный пятиэтапный процесс, который включает в себя такие этапы, как постановка целей, составление бюджета, обращение, выбор средств распространения информации и оценка результатов. Информирование преобладает на этапе вывода нового продукта на рынок. Убеждение формирует особый спрос на определенную марку продукции. Сравнительная реклама используется для продвижения таких категорий товаров, как дезодоранты, зубная паста, шины и автомобили. Напоминание важно для того, чтобы потребитель запомнил продукт, но не для того, чтобы убедить или проинформировать. Бюджет может быть составлен в соответствии с такими принципами, как “на уровне конкурентов”, “исходя из определенных целей и задач” и т.д. Любой рекламодатель должен иметь в виду четыре пункта AIDA – внимание, интерес, желание, действие – последующие этапы реакции потребителя перед покупкой. Выбор средств распространения информации зависит от постановки следующих вопросов: определения диапазона частот и воздействия рекламы, выбора конкретного средства рекламы и правильного расписания. Экономика рекламы по-прежнему является предметом многочисленных дискуссий. Это правда, что общие расходы на рекламу высоки. Большая их часть тратится на продвижение ”фирменных товаров". Это почти неизбежно: если бы рекламируемые товары не были брендированы, у покупателя не было бы руководства, которое позволило бы ему распознать в магазинах товары, которые он видел упомянутыми в рекламе. Если бы товары не были брендированы, в современных условиях невозможно было бы создать массовый рынок и не было бы устойчивого спроса. Практическое занятие 66 Задание 1. Перескажите текст, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is advertising expensive? 2. How can products and services be advertised? 3. How many stages are there in making advertisement? 4. What is reminding advertisement? 5. What four AIDA points should any advertiser keep in mind? Практическое занятие 67 Read and retell the text: Shops and shopping Shops play an important role in our life. People cannot do without them. When people want to buy something, they go to shops where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what is sold in this or that shop. At the grocer's you can buy sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, sausages, frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker's, meat at the butcher's. We go to the greengrocer's for vegetables and fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. When we want to buy clothes we go to men's and ladies clothes shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweler's. We buy books at the bookseller's. A salesman, salesgirl or saleswoman usually stands behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cash desk. The salesman or salesgirl weighs the goods, which are not packed on the scales, and tells the price. People who often come to buy different things in the shop are called customers. 65 Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for different food products. Supermarkets sell thousands of food products: meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen items, and frozen food. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol. In some supermarkets you can also buy household goods. The supermarkets are located in shopping centers or malls and along main roads. Supermarkets are popular because they save time, have low prices and variety of products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need. 5. Answer the questions: 1. Do shops play an important role in our life? 2. Where do people go when they want to buy something? 3. What can we see through the shop-window? 4. What can we buy at the grocer's? 5. What can we buy at the baker's? 6. What can we buy at the greengrocer's? 7. What can we buy at the butcher's? 8. What can we buy at the confectioner's? 9. What can we buy at the footwear shop? 10. What can we buy at the bookseller's? 11. Where do the customers pay for the goods at the self-service shops? 12. What is a supermarket? Практическое занятие 68 Text: At the grocery store Today Tara is going shopping. She is not shopping for fun things like clothes or shoes, but for some food for supper and things she needs around her house. This kind of shopping is for groceries so Tara goes to the grocery store. A shop is sometimes called a store. It's a good idea to make a shopping list before you go shopping so that you know what to buy. But Tara has forgotten to do this. So Tara takes a shopping basket and goes to look at the snack bar. She doesn't want to buy any fast food which has been cooked at the store. Tara wants to look at the menu selection to get some ideas. Ah. She has seen something she likes – now she is going to the fruit and vegetable section to start shopping. At the fruit and vegetable section, she sees Matt. Matt has a shopping trolley (in America they call this a shopping cart) because he has a lot of shopping to do. While Matt decides if he wants to buy some apples, Tara takes an iceberg lettuce, and puts it in her shopping basket. The bakery section smells good! Look, there's cookies, and cake and pie. Mmmm – why not have a fruit pie for dessert? Tara puts the pie in her basket and goes to the dairy. Matt is already there, and he has got a carton of fruit juice and a tub of ice cream. Tara looks at the chilled goods while Matt goes down the aisle A shopping trolley / shopping cart to pet supplies. His friend has asked him to get some pet food for his cat. Matt gets some cat food, and Tara takes a carton of milk for her coffee. Hmmm what next? Maybe something to go with the lettuce. Tara goes to the canned food shelves, and looks at the tinned food. On the bottom shelf are cleaning materials for her clothes and for cleaning the kitchen, but Tara does not need any of these. She takes some bottled asparagus instead. 66 Now for some meat. Tara wants some cooked meat, so she goes to the delicatessen. She does not want seafood, but how about pizza or roast chicken? There is a ham on the butcher's scales, but Tara decides she will have the box of chicken nuggets which is also on the counter. Well, that's all Tara needs! Now she has to pay for her shopping, so she goes to the nearest checkout. The woman rings up Tara's purchases at the till. The till shows Tara what she has bought and how much it will cost. Tara could use the card reader to pay with her debit card, but she decides that today she will pay in cash using money she has in the pocket of her jeans. So Tara's shopping has been bagged. Now she is leaving with a lettuce, bottled asparagus and chicken nuggets for her meal. After that she will have a pie and some coffee with the milk she has just bought. Enjoy your meal Tara! Exercise 1: Guess the meaning of the following international words: Fast food, menu, idea, fruit, start, dessert, coffee, delicatessen, pizza, jeans Exercise 2: Give the Russian equivalents for the words below: Grocery / grocery store / store, shopping list, shopping basket, shopping trolley (брит.) / shopping cart (амер.), snack bar, fruit and vegetable section, bakery section, dairy, checkout, till, debit card, card reader, to pay in cash, aisle, to ring up Exercise 3: Match the two halves of each expression: 1. grocery A. list 2. menu B. tub 3. shopping C. nuggets 4. pet D. card 5. milk E. food 6. chicken F. selection 7. debit G. store 8. ice cream H. carton Практическое занятие 69 Read and translate the text: At the Food shop People go shopping almost every day. There are big supermarkets almost in every town. They are self-service shops. Why do people like shopping in supermarkets? There are three main reasons for this: it doesn’t takes them much time, there is a wide choice of all possible products in this shop and the prices are not very high. Customers can buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, fish, grocery, sausages, sweets, vegetables and fruit. Everything on the counters looks very attractive and the sales staff is very polite. When customers come into the shop, they take a food basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they want into the basket they come up to the cashier’s desk. There is a computer with a laser scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed goods at the cashier’s desk. The cashier tells how much to pay. The customers pay the money and leave the shop. There are several aisles in the shop: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish counters and others. The green grocery and fruit aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. There you can buy spring onions, brown onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbages and lettuce. There are also radishes, cauliflowers and green peas on the counters. The customers can put the vegetables into plastic bags. The fruit are always very fresh. You can buy bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, tangerines and pineapples, pomegranates and pears, apples and plums. In season the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries and cranberries. In summer they sell water melons and melons. Fruit and berry jams are sold all year round. There is always a wide choice of fruit and vegetable juices to any taste. You can buy bottles and packs of juice of any size. 67 In the grocery aisle there are all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, macaroni, vermicelli and noodles. You can also buy vegetable oil, spices, flour, potato flour, peas and some other products there. At the meat counter the customers can buy pork, beef, mutton, veal and poultry. The meat products are ready packed and some of them can be cooked in microwave oven. There are also delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages here. They offer you all kinds of sausages: boiled sausages, halfsmoked sausages and smoked sausages, frankfurters, liver pâté, ham, canned beef and pork. The shop has a wide choice of fish. You can buy live carp, pike, bream and sheat-fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. You can buy pike-perch and sturgeon, lobsters, shrimps, scallops, fillet of sword-fish, tuna-fish, live craw-fish, herring and kipper here. There is also much canned fish. There is a wide choice of milk products in the dairy department. You can buy milk, butter, cream, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, pot cheese and cream cheese. At this department you can also buy eggs, mayonnaise and margarine. You go for white and brown bread to the bread section. There are a lot of baked items in this section. You can also buy rolls, buns, muffins, and croissants there. There is a rich choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolates, biscuits. A lot of other tasty things are on sale here: pastry, jampuffs, fancy-cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee and cocoa. Translate into English: делать покупки, широкий выбор, необходимый, продукты, продавцы, прилавок, продуктовая корзина, выбирать, лазерный сканер, суммировать, касса, ряд прилавков, в продаже, бакалея, крупы, овсянка, пшено, рис, гречневая крупа, перловая крупа, макароны, вермишель, лапша, мука, крахмал, горох, овощной магазин, овощи, лук, картофель, морковь, свекла, капуста, квашеная капуста, огурец, томаты, тыква, салат, редис, хрен, цветная капуста, баклажан, зеленый горошек, укроп, петрушка, перец, уксус, лавровыйлист, фрукты, гранат, банан, виноград, лимон, апельсин, грейпфрут, киви, мандарин, хурма, абрикос, персик, груша, яблоко, слива, ягода, земляника, малина, вишни, черная смородина, арбуз, дыня, сок, рыбный отдел, креветка, филе, тунец, рак, сельдь, копченая сельдь, булочная, хлеб, рогалик, булочка, сдобная булочка, крекер, буханка. В этом торговом центре есть новый супермаркет. В этом супермаркете можно приобрести все, что вам необходимо. Мы всегда делаем покупки в этом супермаркете. Мария работает в этом супермаркете? - Да, она работает там продавцом. Практическое занятие 70 AT THE FOOD SHOP 1. Read and memorize the following words: go shopping делать покупки wide choice [`waid` ʧois] широкий выбор necessary [`nesisəri] необходим foodstuffs [`fu:dstʌfs] продукты sales staff продавцы polite [pə`lait] вежливый counter [`kauntə] прилавок attractive [ə`træktiv] привлекательный food basket продуктовая корзина choose [ʧu: z] выбирать laser scanner [`leizə`skænə] лазерный сканер to sum up суммировать cashier's desk [`keʃ iəz desk] касса aisle [ail] ряд прилавков all year round весь год offer [`ofə] предлагать microwave oven [`maikrəweiv` микроволновая печь tasty вкусный on sale в продаже We can buy at the grocer’s: grosery [`grouseri] бакалея cereals [`siəriəlz] крупы oatmeal [`outmi:l] овсянка millet [`milit] пшено ʌvn] 68 rice[`rais] рис buckwheat [`bʌkwi:t] гречневая крупа pearl barley [`pə:l`ba:li] перловая крупа macaroni [,mækə`rouni] макароны vermicelli [,və:mi`seli] вермешель noodles лапша flour [flauə] мука potato flour крахмал peas[pi:z] горох We can buy at the greengrocer’s: greengrocer’s [`gri:n`grousez] овощной магазин greengrocery[`gri:n`groseri] овощной магазин vegetables [`veʤitəblz] овощи spring onions [`ʌnjənz] зеленый лук brown onions свекла cabbage [`kæbiʤ] капуста red-cabbage краснаякапуста Brussels sprout [`brʌslz`spraut] брюссельская капуста sauerkraut [`sauəkraut] квашеная капуста cucumber [`kju:kəmbə] огурец tomatoes [tə`ma:touz] томаты turnip [`tə:nip] репа potatoes [pə`teitəz] картофель carrots[`kærəts] морковь beets[bi:ts] репа swede [swi:d] брюква pumpkin [`pʌmpkin] тыква lettuce [`letis] салат radish [`rædiʃ] редис horse-radish хрен cauliflower [`koliflauə] цветная капуста egg-plant [`ægpla:nt] баклажан green peas зеленый горошек Greens Зелень dill укроп dills маринованные огурцы parsley [`pa:sli] петрушка celery [`seləri] сельдерей Spices [`spaisiz] Специи рepper [`pepə] перец ground pepper перецмолотый allspice[`o:lspais] перец душистый cayenne [kei`en] перец красный vinegar [`vinigə] уксус cinnamon[`sinəmən] кориця clove [klouv] гвоздика basil [`bæzl] базилик caraway [`kærəwei]тмин bay leaf [`bei`li:f] лавровый лист We can buy at the fruit shop: fruit(s) [fru:t] фрукты pomegranate [`pomgrænit] гранат banana [bə`na:nə] банан grapes [greips] виноград lemon [`lemən] лимон orange [`orenʤ] апельсин grape-fruit грейпфрут kiwi киви tangerine [`tænʤə`ri:n] мандарин pineapple [`pain,æpl] ананас avocado [ævou`ka:dou] авокадо mango [`mængou] манго papaya [pa`paia] папайя parsimmon [pə:`simən] хурма fig инжир apricot [`eiprikot] абрикос peach [pi:t∫] персик pear [p εə] груша apple [æpl] яблоко plum [plʌm] слива berry [`beri] ягода strawberries [`stro:beriz] клубника raspberries [`ra:zberiz] малина gooseberries[`guzberiz] крыжовник cranberries [`krænberiz] клюква blueberries [`blu:beriz] черника red bilberries брусника cherry [`ʧeri] вишни sweet cherries черешни black currants чёрная смородина red currants красная смородина water melon [`wotə,melən] арбуз melons [`melən] дыня juice [ʤu:s] сок We can buy at the fish shop (fishmonger’s): fishmonger's [`fiʃmangəz] рыбный отдел carp [ka: p] карп pike [paik] щука bream [bri: m] лещ sheat-fish[`ʃi: tfiʃ] сом frozen [frouzn] замороженный perch [pə:ʧ] окунь cod [kod] треска plaice [pleis] камбала pike-perch судак sturgeon [`stə; ʤən] осетр lobsters[`lobstə] омар shrimps [ʃrimp] креветка scallops [`skoləp] морской гребешок 69 fillet [`filit] филе sword-fish [`so: dfiʃ] рыба-меч tuna [`tu: nə] тунец craw-fish [`kro: fiʃ] рак herring [`heriŋ] сельдь kipper[`kipə] копченая сельдь canned fish консервированная рыба We can buy at the baker’s: baker's [`beikəz] булочная bread [bred] хлеб white bread белый хлеб brown bread черный хлеб rye bread ржанойхлеб baked items [`aitəmz] выпечка rolls [roulz] рогалик buns [bʌnz] булочка muffins [`mʌfinz] сдобная булочка croissants [krui`sa: nz] круассан crackers [`krækez] крекер loaf [louf] буханка We can buy at the dairy shop: Dairy [dεəri] молочный магазин milk молоко butter [`bʌtə] масло cream [kri:m] сливки yogurt[`jogət] йогурт kefir [`kefə] кефир sour cream [`sauə`kri:m] сметана cheese [ʧi:z] сыр curd[kə:d] творог cottage cheese [`kotiʤʧ i:z] сыр молочный pot cheese брынза cream cheese сливочный сыр eggs яйца mayonnaise [`mejəneiz] майонез margarine [,ma:ʤə`ri:n] маргарин We can buy at the butcher’s: butcher's [`buʧəz] мясной отдел meat [mi: t] мясо beef [bi: f] говядина pork [po: k] свинина mutton [ `mʌtn] баранина lamb [læm] молодая баранина veal [vi: l] телятина poultry [`poultry] птица game [geim] дичь delicatessen [,delikə`tesn] мясная кулинария sausage [`sosiʤ] колбаса smoked sausages копченая колбаса boiled sausages вареная колбаса half-smoked sausages полукопченая колбаса frankfurter [`fræŋkfətə] сосиски liver pâté [`livəpæ`tei] печеночный паштет ham [hæm] ветчина can консервы lean meat постное мясо fat meat жирное мясо steak [steik] вырезка cuts [kʌts] куски (мяса) beef sirloin [ `sə: loin] говядина филе blade [bleid] лопаточная часть brisket [`briskit] грудная часть pork ribloin [`rib`loin] свиная грудинка ready-made готовый beef mince [mins] фарш из говядины beef fillet [ `filit] филейная часть rump[rʌmp] огузок, крестец chuck[ʧʌk] шейная часть beef forequarters [ `fo: kwotəz] спиннолопаточная часть We can buy at the confectioner’s(sweetshop): confectioner’s [kən`fekʃənəz] кондитерская confectionery кондитерская sugar [`ʃugə] сахар granulated sugar сахар-песок biscuits [`biskits] сухое печенье pastry [`peistri] сдобное печенье jam [ʤæm] джем puff [pʌf] слойка fancy-cakes [`fænsikeik] пироженые wafers [`weifəz] вафли marmalade [`ma:məleid] мармелад tea [ti:] чай coffee [`kofi] кофе cocoa [`koukou] какао sweets сладости 70 Практическое занятие 71 AT THE DEPARTMENT STORES. 1. Read and memorize the following words: Ready-Made Clothes Готовая одежда coat [kout] пальто e.g. Bobby is putting on his coat. raincoat ['reinkout] плащ e.g. Mary is wearing a raincoat. It will keep her dry. suit [sju:t] костюм e.g. Father has on a dark suit. trousers (U. K.)/pants (U. S.) брюки e.g. This is a pair of boy's pants. wind-breaker ['wind.breikə] спортивная куртка dress [dres] платье shirt [∫ə:t] рубашка e.g. Men wear shirts. blouse [blauz] блуза cardigan ['ka:digən] шерстяной джемпер Foot-Wear Обувь shoes [∫u:z] туфли e.g. Most shoes are made of leather. boots [bu:ts] ботинки e.g. Boots are made of leather, too. heel [hi:l] каблук e.g. I don't want high heels, I want low heels. sandals ['sændəlz] босоножки e.g. Here is a very nice pair of sandals. Hosiery Трикотаж socks [soks] носки stockings ['stokiŋz] чулки e.g. Socks are short. Stockings are long. Socks and stockings keep our feet warm. knitted [ni:tid] вязаный panty-house ['penti'houz] колготки Haberdashery Галантерея handkerchief ['hænkat∫if] носовой платок neckerchief ['nekət∫if] косынка tie [tai] галстук e.g. I'd like to buy that tie. umbrella [ʌm`brelə] зонт e.g. Mary's umbrella keeps the rain off Mary. Leather Goods Изделия из кожи handbag ['hæn(d)bæg] женская сумка wallet ['wolit] кошелек e.g. I've lost my wallet. gloves [glʌvz] перчатки e.g. My gloves are made of leather. suit-case ['sju:tkeis] чемодан e.g. I need a suit-case. Практическое занятие 72 Give it a name: 1. We wear it if it is cold. 2. We take it if it rains. 3. We put them on our hands. 4. We put it on our heads. 5. We put them on our feet. 6. Women put them on their legs. Fill in the blanks: 1. Please ... another dress. This one is too big for you. 2. The farmers sell fruit and vegetables at the ... .3. The … will give you the hat you have bought. 4. How muchdoes this ice-cream ... ? 5. The ... of these sweets is three dollars a kilogram. 71 Answer the following questions: 1. When do you usually go shopping? 2. Where do you go shopping? 3. What have you bought today in the way of food? 4. What have you bought in the way of manufactured goods? 5. What do you buy at a grocer's shop (baker's, butcher's shop, fishmonger, flower-shop)? 6. What things are sold at a haberdashery (jeweler’s, bookseller's)? 7. What presents did you receive for birthday? 8. Which is the best shop in your city (town)? 9. What can you buy at a market? 10. What things do you wear in winter (in summer)? Практическое занятие 73 At the shoe department 1. They will give a little after wearing. 2. Have you got them in a wider fitting? 3. Can you wait on me? 4. How do they fit, madam? 5. Would you like to see another similar style? 6. What kind of shoes do you want, madam? Customer: Excuse me. ... Assistant: Certainly, madam. What can I show you? Customer: I'd like to buy a pair of fancy dress shoes. Assistant: ... Leather, suede, glace or I can offer you glitter stiletto shoes. Customer: I like them. Can I try them on? Assistant: Certainly. ... Customer: They're a bit tight. I have rather a broad foot and a high instep. ... Assistant: I'm afraid not in that style. ... Customer: Then, probably, leather shoes are better ... Assistant: Yes, they'll stretch. Customer: Very well then. Thank you for your help. Assistant: You're welcome. Exercise 4: Work with a partner. Take turns to be the shop assistant and the customer and make up your own dialogue. Use the phrases below: I’m looking for a / some ….. What size are you? – Large / Medium / Small Can I try it on? Where are the changing rooms? It’s too big / small / long / short / tight. Have you got something a little smaller / bigger / longer / shorter? I’ll take it. Do you take credit cards? Практическое занятие 74 Прочтите, переведите текст и выполните задания после текста. Types of goods Nowadays most marketing specialists divide the consumer products, into three groups: convenience goods, shopping goods, and specialty goods. В настоящее время большинство маркетологов делят потребительские товары на три группы: товары повседневного спроса, товары для покупок и специализированные товары. Convenience goods are the products that consumers buy quickly and often and that are readily available, low priced and heavily advertised. Usually they are inexpensive items like toothpaste, soda, razor blades. People use them every day and don't even think about their prices or brands. A 72 very important role in buying this or that item plays a habit to a particular sort of food, brand of cigarettes or whisky, to some familiar shops or supermarkets. These are fairly important things that a person doesn't buy every day, like a new stereo, a washing machine, a good suit etc. These are shopping goods, products for which a consumer spends a lot of time in order to compare prices, quality and style. Various sources of information are consulted – advertisements, salespeople, friends and relatives. People use a different approach when they shop for specialty goods, items that have been mentally chosen in advance and for which there is no acceptable substitute. These are things like Chanel perfume, M.Voronin suits, etc – goods the buyer especially wants and will seek out, regardless of location or price. Товары повседневного спроса - это товары, которые потребители покупают быстро и часто, которые легкодоступны, дешевы и широко рекламируются. Обычно это недорогие товары, такие как зубная паста, сода, бритвенные лезвия. Люди пользуются ими каждый день и даже не задумываются об их ценах или брендах. Очень важную роль в покупке того или иного товара играет привычка к определенному сорту еды, марке сигарет или виски, к каким-то знакомым магазинам или супермаркетам. Это довольно важные вещи, которые человек покупает не каждый день, например, новую стереосистему, стиральную машину, хороший костюм и т.д. Это товары для покупок, товары, на которые потребитель тратит много времени, чтобы сравнить цены, качество и стиль. Консультируются с различными источниками информации – рекламными объявлениями, продавцами, друзьями и родственниками. Люди используют другой подход, когда покупают специальные товары, товары, которые были мысленно выбраны заранее и которым нет приемлемой замены. Это такие вещи, как духи Chanel, костюмы M.Voronin и т.д. – товары, которые покупатель особенно хочет и будет искать, независимо от местоположения или цены. The English marketing specialists divide goods into almost the same subgroups, but name them normal, durable and luxury goods. Also they define the inferior goods which tend to be lowquality goods – for poor people. For low-quality goods there exist high-quality but more expensive substitutes. Английские маркетологи делят товары почти на те же подгруппы, но называют их обычными, товарами длительного пользования и предметами роскоши. Также они определяют некачественные товары, которые, как правило, являются товарами низкого качества – для бедных людей. Для товаров низкого качества существуют высококачественные, но более дорогие заменители. It is also useful to distinguish necessities. All inferior goods are necessities; necessities, however, also include normal goods. Poor people satisfy their needs for food and clothing by buying low-quality goods. As their income rises, they switch to nicer food and clothing. Luxury goods tend to be high-quality goods for which there exist lower-quality, but quite adequate substitutes. As income rise the quantity of food demanded will rise but only a little. So food cannot be a luxury, but it is not an inferior good either. Также полезно различать предметы первой необходимости. Все товары низкого качества являются предметами первой необходимости; однако предметы первой необходимости также включают в себя обычные товары. Бедные люди удовлетворяют свои потребности в еде и одежде, покупая товары низкого качества. По мере роста их доходов они переходят на более качественную еду и одежду. Предметы роскоши, как правило, являются высококачественными товарами, для которых существуют более дешевые, но вполне адекватные заменители. По мере роста доходов количество потребляемых продуктов питания будет увеличиваться, но лишь незначительно. Таким образом, еда не может быть роскошью, но и не является низшим товаро Задание 1. Перескажите текст, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику 73 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. What are convenience goods? What plays a very important role in buying goods? What are shopping goods? What are specialty goods? What examples of specialty goods can you name? Практическое занятие 75-76 Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Инструкция по выполнению работы Контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырех разделов. Раздел 1 (Чтение) включает 5 заданий на установление соответствия. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 1-20 минут. Раздел 2 (Лексика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 2-10 минут. Раздел 3 (Грамматика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. Время выполнения задания 10 минут. Вариант 1. Раздел 1. Чтение Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-5. Обведите номер предложения, соответствующего тексту. A BROKEN VASE One young man was going to marry a beautiful girl. One day the girl said to him that the next day she would celebrate her birthday and invited him to her birthday party. The young man was eager to make her a present, so he went to a gift shop. There he saw many beautiful things. Of all the things he particularly liked the vases. But they were very expensive, and as he had very little money, he had to leave the shop without buying anything. Walking to the door he suddenly heard a noise: one of the vases fell on the floor and broke two pieces. A brilliant idea came to his mind. He came up to the counter and asked the salesman to wrap up the broken vase he wanted to buy. The salesman got a little surprised but did what the young man had asked him to do. The young man took the parcel and went straight to the girl's place. By the time he entered the room the guests had already gathered. Everybody was enjoying the party. Some of the people were dancing, others were talking, joking and laughing. Saying "Many happy returns of the day", the young man told the girl that he had bought a small present for her. With these words he began to unwrap the parcel. Suddenly he got pale and said. "I am afraid, I have broken it. There were so many people in the bus..." But when he unwrapped the parcel, he saw that the salesman had wrapped up each piece of the vase separately. 1. The young man couldn’t buy a present because he had very little money. 2. He came up to the counter and asked the salesman to show him the broken vase. 3. The young man took the parcel and went to the place where his girl had a birthday party. 4. He got pale because he had broken the vase while going in the bus. 5. The salesman had wrapped every vase separately. Раздел 2. Лексика Прочитайте предложения 6–10 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 6. The old man couldn’t buy a present for his wife because all the things were too ________ 1) cheap 2) excellent 3) expensive 4) dear 7. The salesman ___________ the vase when the man asked him. 1) broke 2) gave 3) took away 4) wrapped up 8. It’s not easy to _________ a present for your friend if you don’t have enough money 1) open 2) choose 3) leave 4) give 74 9. If people want to buy presents they usually go to a _________ shop 1) book 2) gift 3) clothes 4) shoe 10. When we have a birthday party we usually ___________ our friends to it. 1) celebrate 2) congratulate 3) invite 4) ask Раздел 3. Грамматика Прочитайте предложения 11–15 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 11. One day a young girl ______________ to celebrate her birthday. 1) went 2) goes 3) was going 4) had 12. By the time he left the shop, the salesman _________ the vase. 1) had wrapped 2) wrapped 3) wraps 4) was wrapping 13. The vase fell on the floor and it was ___________ to pieces. 1) break 2) broke 3) broken 4) breaking 14. Nobody _________ a book at the party. 1) read 2) reads 3) are reading 4) was reading 15. The man asked to wrap up the ________ vase. 1) bought 2) broken 3) found 4) opened Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Инструкция по выполнению работы Контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырех разделов. Раздел 1 (Чтение) включает 5 заданий на установление соответствия. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 1-20 минут. Раздел 2 (Лексика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 2-10 минут. Раздел 3 (Грамматика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. Время выполнения задания 10 минут. Вариант 2. Раздел 1. Чтение Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-5. Обведите номер предложения, соответствующего тексту. CHARLES DARWIN A hundred years ago people believed that plants and animals had always been as they are now. They thought that all the different sorts of living things, including men and women, were put in this world by some mysterious power a few thousand years ago. It was Charles Darwin, born at Shrewsbury on the 12th of February, 1809, who showed that this was just a legend. As a boy Darwin loved to walk in the countryside, collecting insects, flowers and minerals. He liked to watch his elder brother making chemical experiments. These hobbies interested him much more than Greek and Latin, which were his main subjects at school. His father, a doctor, sent Charles to Edinburgh University to study medicine. But Charles did not like this. He spent a lot of time with a zoologist friend, watching birds and other animals, and collecting insects in the country-side. Then his father sent him to Cambridge to be trained as a parson. But Darwin didn't want to be a doctor or a parson. He wanted to be a biologist. In 1831 he set sail for South America to make maps of the coastline there. Darwin went in the ship to see the animals and plants of other lands. On his voyage round the world he looked carefully at thousands of living things in the sea and on land and came to very important conclusions. Later he wrote a famous work 'The Origin of Species'. 1. Charles Darwin showed that the world wasn’t made by some mysterious power a few thousand years ago. 75 2. His main subjects at school were Greek and Latin. 3. Charles was interested in medicine and wanted to be a doctor. 4. He came up to very important conclusion while watching living things. 5. Darwin’s work “The Origin of Species” isn’t famous nowadays. Раздел 2. Лексика Прочитайте предложения 6–10 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 6. Maths and Languages are ____________ subjects at school nowadays. 1) mysterious 2) main 3) interesting 4) chemical 7. The boy’s __________ sister worked in the hospital and was a good doctor. 1) elder 2) older 3) young 4) nice 8. His father wanted him to be a ____________ 1) biologist 2) zoologist 3) doctor 4) parson 9. He saw a lot of things while having a long ___________ 1) voyage 2) trip 3) journey 4) traveling 10. It was very interesting for him to collect different ______________ 1) maps 2) chemicals 3) insects 4) toys Раздел 3. Грамматика Прочитайте предложения 11–15 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 11. The boy liked to spend his time _____________ different living things 1) watch 2) watched 3) watching 4) watches 12. By the time his father sent him to Cambridge, he ___________ to become a biologist 1) had decided 2) decided 3) is decided 4) deciding 13. When he was sailing he ____________ a lot of maps 1) made 2) was making 3) had made 4) was spent 14. A lot of time ___________ with his brother 1) had spent 2) spend 3) was spending 4) was spent 15. His famous book was _______________ 1) written 2) found 3) read 4) writes Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык» Инструкция по выполнению работы Контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырех разделов. Раздел 1 (Чтение) включает 5 заданий на установление соответствия. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 1-20 минут. Раздел 2 (Лексика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела 2-10 минут. Раздел 3 (Грамматика) включает 5 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа. Время выполнения задания 10 минут. Вариант 3. Раздел 1. Чтение Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-5. Обведите номер предложения, соответствующего тексту. A LIFE IN THE DAY OF LINDA MCCARTNEY We live in a two-bedroom house so as soon as James starts calling `Mummy, Mummy`, about seven every morning, he wakes everyone up. Being his mother I like to be the first to greet him, so up I get. 76 I take him downstairs and start getting breakfast ready. Soon the other kids – Heather, Mary and Stella are also down. If Paul, my husband is tired we don’t disturb him. But if he doesn't work hard he gets up at the same time and joins the kids at breakfast. He is an excellent father and very protective towards them. It seemed mad to move from a large house in London to a small place on the South Coast, but it's so much cosier. Paul and I are in the kind of business where we hardly see them grow up. The kids travel everywhere with us. We're all vegetarian, so breakfast is eggs from our own hens, fried home-grown tomatoes, vegetarian sausages, cereals and whole wheat bread. I buy most of the kids` clothes at the nearest department store. I myself feel most comfortable in jeans and T-shirt. I don't really spend much, even though Paul pays all the bills. Because we have a big breakfast and a big dinner at about six we don't have lunch. So at that time I'm doing jobs about the house. Paul never helps me. If I'm working or going out I have a woman in to do the cleaning. But I enjoy cooking and I cook every day. For dinner I make things like spaghetti, salads and Paul's favorites which are pea soup or tomato soup made from home-grown tomatoes and onions. If I'm lucky during the day I go for a ride on my horse. Horse riding is a marvelous form of exercise, both physically and spiritually. One interest we share closely is football, we always watch it on television. Because we live in the country we don't socialize very much. Most of our evenings are spent in front of the television. I watch films, Top of the Pops and some quiz shows. Before I turn in for the night I always go to the kid's bedroom and give them each a kiss. James often wakes up and doesn't want to go back to sleep. 1. If Paul doesn’t work, all the family has breakfast together. 2. The family moved from a large house in London to a small place on the South Coast. 3. They always have lunch together. 4. The McCartneys have a lot of friends and often invite them. 5. They are all interested in football. Раздел 2. Лексика Прочитайте предложения 6–10 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 6. The father is ____________ towards his children 1) protective 2) excellent 3) lucky 4) ready 7. The family like eating _____________ vegetables 1) home-made 2) home-grown 3) vegetarian 4) whole wheat 8. If mother is tired, you shouldn’t ___________ her 1) touch 2) shout 3) call 4) disturb 9. Good friends must ________________ their interests 1) have 2) change 3) share 4) mix 10. Many people are found of watching _____________ shows on TV 1) quiz 2) dog 3) comedies 4) films Раздел 3. Грамматика Прочитайте предложения 11–15 и выберите один вариант. Ответ внесите в бланк. 11. The family _________ from New York to a small place on the South Coast some years ago 1) had moved 2) moved 3) was moved 4) moves 12. The kids always ______________ everywhere with their parents 1) travel 2) are travel 3) traveling 4) travels 13. Linda was fond of __________ a horse 1) ride 2) rode 3) ridden 4) riding 14. A lot of time ______________ in front of the television 1) are spent 2) is spent 3) was spending 4) spend 77 15. By the time she cooked dinner the children __________ home. 1) had come 2) came 3) were coming 4) come Эталоны ответов Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Broken vase Charles Darwin A life in the day… 1 2 3 4 5 6–3 7–4 8–2 9–2 10 – 3 11 – 3 12 – 1 13 – 3 14 – 4 15 – 2 1 2 3 4 5 6–2 7–1 8–4 9–1 10 – 3 11 – 3 12 – 1 13 – 1 14 – 4 15 – 1 1 2 3 4 5 6–1 7–2 8–4 9–3 10 – 1 11 – 2 12 – 1 13 – 4 14 – 2 15 – 1 Практическое занятие 77 Text: Shopping in Russia Shopping is a significant part in everyday life of every person living in Russia. In every Russian city you will find numerous malls and supermarkets offering a great choice of goods from A to Z depending upon the customer's budget. World famous brands are represented in large shopping centers; in some Russian cities fashionable boutiques cover particular central streets and small blocks attracting customers attention by well designed shop windows with clothes, shoes and jewelry represented by exclusive brands. Luxurious brands become more and more popular among Russians. Young Russian designers are of great demand among those who are seeking for new look, fresh ideas and extraordinary style. Despite the fact that large shopping centers are located not only on the city centers, but in the suburbs, it is still hard to find an empty place at the parking lots nearby. Foreigners can notice that there are many small kiosks in Russia where one can find not only printed media (newspapers, magazines), but also chocolate, sweets, drinks and tobacco, therefore kiosks are very convenient for the people who are pressed for time and are unlikely to drop in at the supermarket during a busy day. In Russia like in any other country shopaholics look forward to sales seasons: big sales are announced in January and July, mid-season sales are in late autumn and spring. Many glossy magazines cover news from fashion industry and are popular among Russian ladies and gentlemen. These magazines provide useful up-to-date information about new arrivals and the latest tendencies in fashion. Perfume and cosmetics stores like «Ile De Beaute», «L'Etoile», «Rive Gauche» publish their own editorials with the news of make-up and perfume industries and recommendations of leading beauty experts. Many stores accept payment both by credit card and in cash. Please be advised the only currency accepted in Russian stores is Russian rouble. Internet shopping becomes more and more popular in Russia, it opens great opportunities for busy people working in large cities: customers are getting used to buying online, nevertheless the 78 authentic human interest to touch, try and examine the goods prevails and does not let customers forget about the great feeling of pleasure they can get from the real shopping in the city malls. Exercise 1: Guess the meaning of the following international words: Budget, brand, boutique, kiosk, tobacco, chocolate, designer, shopaholic, perfume, cosmetics. Exercise 2: Give the Russian equivalents for the words and word expressions below: Shopping center, shop windows, clothes, shoes, jewelry, to be represented by, exclusive, luxurious, to be of great demand, fresh ideas, extraordinary style, printed media, convenient, sales seasons, make-up, internet shopping, payment, opportunity, to buy online, pleasure. Практическое занятие 78 Some women include shopping in their list of favourite activities. Men traditionally hate it. Here's what some of our compatriots think: Nina, 24: I love shopping, but not on a Saturday or during the sales, when the shops are really crowded. I prefer shopping alone. Buying things often takes me a long time because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to see if I can find the same thing cheaper. I'm quite good at finding a bargain. I hate shopping in large supermarkets, and prefer buying food in small shops or street markets. Elena, 32: I like shopping, but it depends who I go with. Trying to shop with young children is a nightmare! I don't like shopping with my husband either because he's always in a hurry, and worries about spending money. But shopping with friends is fun, and I like going on my own too. Kirill, 28: I don't really enjoy shopping. In fact it's a pain! I find it stressful because I'm always afraid of making mistakes. I've got a collection of awful 'mistakes' at the back of my wardrobe, which I never wear! But I don't mind going with my girlfriend, because she helps me choose. I think women are better at buying clothes than men. They've got better taste and they always know what's in fashion. Ivan, 30: I'm not interested in shopping at all - in fact I hate it. My wife buys all my clothes and brings them home. I try them on and if I like them, I keep them. If not she takes them back. Choosing things from catalogues and the TV shopping channels is the only kind of shopping I enjoy. Who said this? 1. I like going shopping on my own. 2. I prefer shopping alone. 3. The TV shopping channel is the only kind of shopping I enjoy. 4. I don't really enjoy shopping. Exercise 4: Discuss your shopping habits: 1. What do you look for when you shop? Why? 2. What factors are important for you when you go shopping? 3. List the factors below in order of importance. friendly service low prices the quality of goods the design of the shop interior the size of the shop brand name goods on sale shops that aren't crowded nearby entertainment/cafe Discussion point: Shopping is (not) an important human activity. Практическое занятие 79 Text: Shopping in the USA Shopping in the USA has two very important tendencies that can be determined as «Born to shop» and «Caveat Emptor » (the Latin expression that means «the customer runs risks of buying goods of inferior quality»). Stores are full of wares of various kinds and prices. If you are in funds shopping can be extremely interesting and bring you real satisfaction. In this case, you can find out that you are «born to shop». 79 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. But on the other hand, we can free the so called «Caveat Emptor». Purchasers have to be careful. The owners of the shops put different kinds of advertisements and offers like «sales» or «reduced prices» in order to decoy buyers and push the articles. Of course, such signs attract people's attention. But before buying something it is better to examine the label to be aware of validity of commodities. Very often fashionable things can be made of cheap materials. In the USA the price for the same goods in different shops can be different. High prices do not always mean high quality. If you are going to buy expensive things you would better to look in at several stores. It will give you the opportunity to compare goods and Shopping in the USA for brands like Apple, Dell, Levi's etc. make the best choice. There are many shops where even licensed articles (such as clock, cameras, videos, electrical appliances, etc.) are sold at a discount and their value results much cheaper than at the department stores. There’re similar clothes shops. Shopping malls are typical for America where a lot of specialized stores and a big department store are joined in one building. There is also a restaurant and some food shops. There can be a movie hall as well so the clients can spend the whole day at the shopping mall. Clients usually pay cash or by credit cards. Customers are better to keep the receipt to be able to exchange the thing they bought in case of necessity or return it and get a refund. Many stores organize special seasonal sales and experienced buyers are looking forward to visiting them. November and February is high time for reducing prices for winter clothes. January and August are «white sales days» when towels and sheets are sold out. People learn about discount periods from the newspapers and thus can save a lot of money. In the USA you can find very expensive department stores, the ones with more moderate and cheap prices. The difference in price is significant in these shops. If your American friend offers you to accompany you and go shopping together, you would better to tell him the sum of money you can afford to spend. He or she can advice you the right place to go. Exercise 1: Guess the meaning of the following international words: Tendency, risk, label, material, licensed, typical, special, specialized, restaurant, client. Exercise 2: Give the Russian equivalents for the words word expressions below: To determine; to run risks; inferior quality; goods / wares / articles / commodities; shopper / customer / purchaser / client; to be in funds; extremely; satisfaction; careful; to decoy; to attract smb.'s attention; to compare; discount; shopping mall; to pay (past paid, p.p. paid) in cash; moderate; significant Exercise 3: Answer the questions: What are the two very important tendencies about shopping in the USA? When can shopping be extremely interesting and bring you real satisfaction? Why do the purchasers have to be careful? How is it possible to save some money if you are going to buy expensive things? What is a shopping mall? Практическое занятие 80 In the sentences below only 3 variants are correct and the rest are wrong. Choose the correct words. 1. The ... was crowded with shoppers on the Saturday before Christmas. A. shopping centre. B. shopping precinct. C. mall. D. kiosk. E. stall. 2. In department stores, customers are usually welcome to examine and try on ... . 80 A. goods. B. objects. C. articles D. merchandise. E. materials. 3. The meal was really ..., we got at least six courses — all for under £10. A. a bargain. B. valuable. C. worthy. D. a good value. E. a value for money. 4. How much is your T-shirt? I got four for only $30. They were ... . A. on sale. B. on offer. C. on display. D. going cheap. E. dear. 5. I can't imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school — it must.... A. cost the earth. B. be priceless. C. be costly. D. be expensive. E. be a money spinner. 6. Unless Jaguar can ... , they will soon be unable to compete on the American market. A. cut the prices. B. give a discount. C. reduce prices. D. increase prices. E. raise prices. 7. We don't get many ... on Mondays — Saturday is our busiest day. A. clients. B. merchants. C. vendors. D. shoppers. E. customers. 8. We ... a large selection of European wines. A. stock. B. sell. C. retail. D. have on sale. E. wholesale. 9. It was difficult to choose from such ... of dishes on the menu. A. a range. B. a selection. C. a choice. D. a mixture. E. a category. 10. Sales staff are trained to be ... A. helpful. B. courteous. C. humble. D. knowledgeable. E. obtrusive. Exercise: Translate into English: По дороге в супермаркет Бренда заметила яркую вывеску в витрине бутика: «Сезонные скидки». Бренда решила посмотреть, нет ли чего-нибудь подходящего. Она не была завсегдатаем распродаж, хотя и знала, что на вешалках с табличкой «Скидка 50%» можно найти только маленькие размеры. Разглядывая вещи, она случайно натолкнулась на блузку 14 размера. Она примерила её и та оказалась ей как раз впору. Бренда подумала, что эта блузка подойдёт к её любимой чёрной юбке. К тому же блузка была почти даром. Бренда заглянула в свой кошелёк и решила, что может позволить себе купить её. Больше не раздумывая, Бренда подала деньги продавцу. Практическое занятие 81 Text: Shopping in Great Britain When you want to buy something you go to a shop or market. Some people are fond of shopping, others are not. But all of them go shopping now and then*. In Britain buying food is usually done at the baker's, at the butcher's, at the sweet shop or at the greengrocer's. If you need either sugar or rice, you go to the grocer's. If you need fish, you go to the fishmonger's. At the dairy you can buy dairy products like milk or cream. But nowadays shopping in supermarkets becomes more and more popular, because it’s convenient as they operate on the self-service system. It means you walk round the shop and choose what you want. You don' put goods into your bags before paying for them. You can use trolleys. At the exit you pay for all your goods at the cashier. Supermarkets don't close for lunch. If you are a traveller in Britain, you should know some shopping habits in the country. For example, you should remember that fish shops are closed on Mondays. You should know that sales are popular with British shoppers. They are held twice a year by shops and department stores to get rid of old stock*. Some of shops and supermarkets in Britain have got leading positions. Sainsbury's supermarkets are leaders in food and drink selling. These very big supermarkets are for richer people who want to do shopping once a week or even once a month. Tesco's supermarkets are leaders, too. But they've got a different image*. They sell goods at lower prices. British Home Stores (BHS) is a group of large shops selling mainly clothes but also food and other products for the houses. Buying clothes in Britain is a problem for Europeans, because they have different size system. Ready-made clothes departments in London usually use both British and European sizes on the tags. 81 There are some traditions about shopping in Britain. Mothers usually buy clothes for their small children, but British teenagers usually buy clothes by themselves. The British usually buy food in supermarkets once a week. The food shopping in most British families is usually done by mothers. Don’t forget that the British use “Please” a lot. As for “thank you”, remember that in Britain in informal situations and in some shops, lots of people say “cheers” instead. __________________________________________________________ Now and then – время от времени To get rid of old stock – избавляться от старого товара Image – репутация Exercise 1: Guess the meaning of the following international words: Rice, product, popular, leader, leading position. Exercise 2: Give the Russian equivalents for the words word expressions below: Baker – at the baker’s, butcher – at the butcher’s, sweet shop, greengrocer – at the greengrocer’s, fishmonger – at the fishmonger's, image, to pay, a tag, dairy, self-service system, exit, shopping habits, selling, ready-made clothes, cheers. Exercise 3: Answer the questions: 1. What can you buy at the baker’s? 2. What can you buy at the butcher’s? 3. You buy sweets at the greengrocer’s, don’t you? 4. Where can you buy sour cream? 5. Where can you buy fish? Практическое занятие 82 Shopping in London (from "Spotlights on Britain " by S. Sheerin, G. Seath, G. White) Most of London's big department stores are in Oxford Street and Regent Street. They are always crowded, but at sale times, in January and July, there are so many people that it is difficult to move and it is usually safer to go in the direction of the majority! These days, it is often difficult to distinguish the goods in one large store from those in another. If you are looking for something "different" (but cannot afford the prices of Bond Street) it is certainly worth going to New Covent Garden. This used to be England's biggest fruit and vegetable market, but a few years ago, the market was moved to a new site on the other side of the River Thames. The old market, now called "New Covent Garden", was restored and converted into a shoppimg centre. There are now more than forty shops of many different kinds, and there are several places to eat and drink. The opening hours are different from most other shops: they open at 10 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. As well as shopping, there is entertainment with lunch-time theatre groups and classical, jazz, folk and pop music. Kensington and Knightsbridge is an exclusive area of London. There you can find the department store that is the symbol of expensive and high-class living – Harrods. People say you can buy anything in Harrods, including wild animals – they even have a zoo which will sell you lion cubs as well as more common pets such as dogs, cats or parrots. Exercise 1: Prepare to write a reproduction of the text. Exercise 2: Read the e-mail letter and speak on the girl' impressions of shops in London: To: Lilly From: Mary Subject: Shopping London is a paradise for shoppers. With their large selection of goods, there are famous department stores like Harrods and Selfridges. You can also find designer shops, souvenir shops, wellstocked book shops, market stalls and many other kinds of shops. Second-hand shops are also 82 1. 2. 3. 4. popular with young people. I know what I am going to get for you-that's a surprise. But I don't know what to get for boys. Can you suggest some presents for them? Drop me a line soon. Answer the questions: What kind of shops can everyone find in London? What kind of shops are popular with young people? Has Mary bought any presents for her friends? Why does she call London a paradise for shoppers? Практическое занятие 83 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 1. Read and translate the text: What Is International Trade? When Honduras exports bananas to Switzerland, they can use the money they earn to import Swiss chocolate — or to pay for Kuwaiti oil or a vacation in Hawaii. The basic idea of international trade and investment is simple: each country produces goods or services that can be either consumed at home or exported to other countries. The main difference between domestic trade and international trade is the use of foreign currencies to pay for the goods and services cross¬ing international borders. Although global trade is often added up in U.S. dollars, the trading itself involves various currencies. Japanese videocassette recorder is paid for in German marks in Berlin, and German cars are paid for in U.S. dollars in Boston. Indian tea, Brazilian coffee, and American films are sold around the world in currencies as diverse as Turkish liras and Mexican pesos. Whenever a country imports or exports goods and services, there is I resulting flow of funds: money returns to the exporting nation, and money flows out of the importing nation. Trade and investment is a two-way street, and with a minimum of trade barriers, international trade and investment usually makes everyone better off. In a interlinked global economy, consumers are given the opportu¬nity to buy the best products at the best prices. By opening up markets, a government allows its citizens to produce and export those things they are best at and to import the rest, choosing from whatever the world has to offer. Some trade barriers will always exist as long as any two countries have different sets of laws. However, when a country decides to protect its economy by erecting artificial trade barriers, the result is often damaging to everyone, including those people whose barriers were meant to protect. The Great Depression of the 1930s, for example, spread around the world when the United States decided to erect trade barriers to protect local producers. As other countries retaliated, trade plumpered, jobs were lost, and the world entered into a long period of economic decline. Answer the questions: 1. What is the basic idea of international trade? 2. What is the main difference between domestic and international trade? 3. How can you consider trade barriers? 4. What is the difference between trade and investment? 5. What were the sequences of the Great Depression of the 1930s? Практическое занятие 84 Read and translate the text. Write down a plan of the text. Trade Between Nations particular jobs – определенные виды работы thrive - процветать guild - гильдия craft ремесло lower - снижать 83 spring up - подскакивать cumbersome - обременительный You often hear it said that this is the age of specialization. People devote themselves entirely to particular jobs, so perhaps your father makes shoes, a next door neighbor may turn out a small but important part of automobile, while your uncle may own a farm and raise fresh lettuce, radishes and onions for the city. Division of labor first began to appear in Europe during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. In this period, towns and cities were growing, and goods formerly produced on big estates or tiny farms were made in town and sold. Trade began to thrive between country and town, between towns and even between countries. Workers' guilds came into existence and grew rapidly. First came the merchant guilds, which devoted themselves to trade. One merchant sold meat, another cloth and so on. Then craft guilds were created, each specializing in the making of some one product, as boots and shoes, bakery goods, cloth or iron products. As trade and commerce grew, so did the demand for goods, and soon producers were looking for new and speedier ways to create them. This brought about the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As we know, machines were invented to do the work of many men and do it much more efficiently. Steam took the place of man power and animal power. Labor was divided still further. Instead of making a pair of shoes from start to finish, a man tended a machine that turned out a single part of the shoes very fast. This lowered the cost of the shoes still further. Lower costs meant lower prices. Lower prices meant that more people could afford to buy shoes. The demand for things increased all over the civilized world. More and more people began to make things for each other; the division of labor had come to stay, and buying and selling had become a major industry. Our old friend Robinson Crusoe on his island did everything for himself (at least until Friday came) so that neither division of labor nor trade entered into his experience. However, imagine a hundred of people living on an island. As soon as they began to divide their labor among different occupations, the need for exchange would spring up. One man would make a weapon and exchange it, perhaps for a fish caught by another, or for some grain grown by a third. That would be a simple exchange of goods — we call it barter. When you exchange a pocket knife for some marbles, you are bartering. In early times, even in this country, most trade was conducted in the same manner. Today, to a very limited extent, barter is still used, as when a farmer brings a crate of eggs to a village store and in exchange receives from the storekeeper flour or sugar. The system of barter is very inconvenient and cumbersome. Suppose, for example, that an opera singer needs a new costume. She doubtless would have difficulty in finding a shopkeeper who would be willing to exchange a dress for a song. The problem would immediately arise (assuming the merchant was willing to make such an exchange) as to how long she must sing or how many songs must be sung to pay for the dress. What trouble the musician would have if she tried to exchange her talent for all the goods needed in her daily life! Very early it was realized that some method had to be invented for measuring and stating values. So, instead of saying that a hat is worth so many pounds of sugar or so many pairs of socks, we price all of these things in money. We say a hat costs so many dollars, and sugar so many cents a pound. Trade is greatly simplified through the use of money. Практическое занятие 85-86 Shopping is a normal pass time that we will all have done and can enjoy, here are a few things to know about shopping: 1. Take a friend. It's easier to make a decision on something when someone else is giving their opinion too. Bring along a friend or family member whom you trust; not only for their opinion, but to keep yourself safe. Besides, it's more fun shopping with a friend than alone. 84 2. Set a budget for yourself. It's hard, but it’s always better to set a budget and stick to it. It's better in the long run. If you have trouble doing this, leave your credit card at home and only bring cash. Bring an amount of cash that you're comfortable spending – if your spending limit is $50, bring $50 to spend! This ensures that you won't blow your money in one day. 3. Make a list of things you specifically need or want. This will prevent you from overspending or wasting time. Before you hit the stores, go on-line and look at the websites of your favourite stores. Find items that you like there, then write them down and find them in the store. 4. Go into stores. You should consider trying different stores (like boutiques). You never know what you'll find in that little unknown store. Maybe some new clothes or something you'd like to improve your style with. Just because "everyone" doesn't shop there doesn't mean it's a bad store; it might become one of your favorites! Thrift shops also have some surprises in them, if you really take the time to look around. 5. Find the stuff you like. Be careful before you buy them, though. 6. Check out the material. If you're buying something that you don't try on, like socks, always touch them before buying. Stick your hand in it, and see if it's itchy, or just right. Maybe there's a stain? Ask for another one that looks in better condition. Or perhaps it looks flimsy, or as if it will fall apart within months? It's better not to consider it. If you are allergic to some materials, read the label to see what it is made of beforehand. 7. Try the things you like on. Make sure the things that you're buying fit you properly. You should feel comfortable and yourself in your clothes. Try on many sizes before making a decision. 8. Check yourself out in the mirror. If the store has a three way mirror, it's always best to stand in it before purchasing. The jeans you're trying on could look great from the front, but saggy in the back. 9. Never be afraid to ask a faculty member for help. Love the shirt, but can't find your size? It's their job to help you, so don't be shy about asking the salespeople. 10. Don't buy something if you're not totally sure about it. Only buy something if you really love it and are willing to wear it. It's helpful to try to think of at least two things that you can wear it with too, just so that you know you'll have something to wear it with. If you aren't sure about that top, don't buy it. It's better to leave it rather than buy and regret it. Exercise 1: Give the Russian equivalents for the words and word expressions below: To spend, overspending, to set a budget, to try on, thrift shop, stuff, to fit, to feel comfortable, to make a decision, (three way) mirror, purchasing, salespeople, to wear, from the front, from the back. Exercise 2: Translate the following quotations and comment upon them: Cato the Elder: “Do not buy what you want, but what you need; what you do not need is dear at a farthing”. Stephen Butler Leacock: “Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it”. Практическое занятие 87 Read and retell the text: Money In the modern world money has various uses. For selling and buying things, all modern people use money. Money gives us a useful means of measuring the value of things. Money is also of very great use as a means of exchanging goods and services. Money is a way to store up buying power that one can use later. If we consider money as a means of storing up buying power, it has good and bad points. Money can more easily be kept for a long time than such things as food, buildings and machines. Food spoils, buildings fall to pieces and machines rust. Money takes up very little space and if we want we may put it in a bank. 85 But modern money has some very serious disadvantages if we use it as a means of storing up buying power. In earlier times when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each was really worth the amount stamped on the coin. But the paper in modern paper money is worth much less than the amount written on it. In a short time the buying power of modern money can change very greatly and because of that, some people are doubtful about the wisdom of saving money. Money. Country Страна Russia Finland The USA Symbol символ Banknote купюра Coin монета Country Страна Symbol символ Banknote купюра Coin монета Great Britain £ rouble euro dollar pound kopeck cent cent pence 1 rouble = 100 kopecks 1 euro = 100 1 dollar =100 cents cents Money 1 pound = 100 pence Russia Finland Great Britain The USA rouble kopeck 1 rouble = 100 kopecks Практическое занятие 88 Прочтите, переведите текст и выполните задания после текста. Money The main function of money is a medium of exchange, but it performs other functions: a unit of account and a store of value. The use of money as a medium of exchange is as fundamental to the development of economic systems as the invention of the wheel for transport. In all advanced economies the greater part of the supply of money consists of deposits in bank accounts, rather than notes and coins. To act as an efficient medium of exchange, money must also function as a store of value. With money, the act of purchase can be separated from the act of sale, money then acts as a temporary means of holding purchasing power. When the overall price level is stable, or even falling, money can be more than a temporary store of value. Деньги Основная функция денег - это средство обмена, но они выполняют и другие функции: расчетную единицу и средство сбережения. Использование денег в качестве средства обмена имеет такое же фундаментальное значение для развития экономических систем, как изобретение колеса для транспорта. Во всех странах с развитой экономикой большая часть денежной массы состоит из депозитов на банковских счетах, а не из банкнот и монет. 86 Чтобы действовать как эффективное средство обмена, деньги должны также функционировать как средство сбережения. С помощью денег акт покупки может быть отделен от акта продажи, тогда деньги действуют как временное средство удержания покупательной способности. Когда общий уровень цен стабилен или даже падает, деньги могут быть чем-то большим, чем просто временным средством сбережения. Even in periods of rapid inflation people continue to hold money in order to carry out transactions, because of the great convenience it allows. There may be better stores of value, but they lack the liquidity (i.e. the ability to be used directly to make purchases) which is the characteristic of money. Other assets may be better stores of value, but they cannot be converted into purchasing power without some cost. Money also acts as a measuring unit to assess the relative values of different commodities. Money performs this measurement function when it becomes a standard of deferred payment: if I wish to borrow a given sum now an interest charge will be added to it so that I know how much I will have to repay in the future. Inflation erodes the usefulness of money in this role. Даже в периоды быстрой инфляции люди продолжают хранить деньги для совершения транзакций из-за большого удобства, которое это позволяет. Могут быть лучшие хранилища ценностей, но им не хватает ликвидности (то есть способности быть использованными непосредственно для совершения покупок), которая является характеристикой денег. Другие активы могут быть лучшими хранилищами ценности, но они не могут быть преобразованы в покупательную способность без определенных затрат. Деньги также выступают в качестве единицы измерения для оценки относительной стоимости различных товаров. Деньги выполняют эту измерительную функцию, когда они становятся стандартом отсроченного платежа: если я хочу занять определенную сумму сейчас, к ней будут добавлены проценты, чтобы я знал, сколько мне придется выплатить в будущем. Инфляция снижает полезность денег в этой роли. One of the requirements for money is that the item should be limited in supply. The supply of the monetary unit should also be relatively stable. From the convenience point of view it is desirable that money should be portable and durable, and also homogeneous. Money should also be divisible into small units for minor transactions. Одним из требований к деньгам является то, что товар должен быть ограничен в поставке. Предложение денежной единицы также должно быть относительно стабильным. С точки зрения удобства желательно, чтобы деньги были портативными и долговечными, а также однородными. Деньги также должны быть разделены на небольшие единицы для незначительных транзакций. Задание 1. Перескажите текст, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What are the main functions of money? 2. Why do people continue to hold money even in periods of rapid inflation? 3. What is liquidity? 4. Why is it necessary that money should be portable, durable and homogeneous? 5. What is the main difference between banks and other intermediaries? Практическое занятие 89 Read and translate the text, find in the text English equivalents of words and word combinations given below: Money in Our Life goal-oriented - целеустремленный confident - уверенный contend - утверждать 87 outgrowth - следствие correlation - соотношение affluent - богатый profoundly - глубоко technical gadgets – технические приборы mint – монетный двор What money really means for people? Some people think that money makes us independent, well organized, goal-oriented and confident. The vast majority believes that the purpose of work| is tо pay for their other interests. Others contend that their success is an outgrowth of their inner happiness. And only small group of people say that they are happy because they are successful. Psychological and sociological research has shown that once basic needs are met, money has a very low correlation with happiness. Even the joy you'd feel if you won the lottery would last only a few months. Most of people acknowledge that having more money means having fewer problems. People at the top of income pyramid rarely consider themselves affluent and certainly not wealthy. "Middle income" or "comfortable" are the two most common labels we hear. A lifestyle that includes most of the things we want is profoundly richer than 10 years ago. Our houses are bigger, we own more technical gadgets, we eat out more often and we are more likely to travel. In the world where nearly a billion people don't eat three meals a day, it seems almost absurd to suggest that the word wealthy does not apply. All values in the economic system are measured in terms of money. Our goods and services are sold for money and that money is in turn exchanged for other goods and services. Originally, a valuable metal (gold, silver or copper) served as a constant store of value. The first coins weren't round like the coins of today. People first used round coins in Turkey about 2,700 years ago. Banknotes were firstly used in China in about the year 800. Today we use both coins and banknotes: coins are for small amounts and banknotes are for bigger amounts. Factories called "mints" make coins and bank notes. The first bank opened in Italy in 1171, since then banks have opened in cities and towns throughout the world. Today many people use credit cards to pay for things. Valuable metal has generally been replaced by paper notes. Personal finance depends on the state of the economy, on your age, on your willingness to tolerate risk, on the nature of your goals. Означать, независимый, цель, успех, следствие, счастье, исследования, радость, доход, признавать, богатый, ярлык, уровень жизни, приспособления, есть не дома, намекать, ценность, измерять, товары, услуги, ценные металлы, золото. Практическое занятие 90 Currency, Banking and Finance The pound sterling (Xi), of 100 new pence, is the basic unit of currency (£ 0.6551 equals US$1; 1996). In 1968 Britain took the first step in a three-year conversion of its currency to the decimal system of coinage by introducing the first two new coins, the 5-pence piece (equal to one old shilling) and the 10-pence piece. In 1969 the 50-pence coin was introduced, replacing the old 10shilling note. The conversion was completed in 1971. The pound was permitted to float against the dollar and other world currencies beginning in June 1972. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationalized in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and Wales. Several banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland may also issue currencies in limited amounts. Great Britain has, in addition, some 13 major commercial banks with more than 10,000 domestic and overseas branches, most of which are offices of the four leading banks: Lloyds, Barclays, National Westminster, and Midland. Some banking services are provided by the postal system, savings banks, and cooperative and building societies. There are also a number of domestic clearing banks, discount houses, and other financial institutions, such as the London Stock Exchange, and Lloyd's insurance market, linked to Britain's 88 role as one of the world's leading financial centres. In 1994 there were come 486 banks registered in the United Kingdom, as well as many other banking and non-banking institutions. Banking, finance, insurance and leasing services accounted for about 20 per cent of Britain's output, a substantial rise over a decade earlier, and 13 per cent of employment. In the mid- 1990s about 16 per cent of the workforce were employed in the banking and finance sector. Net overseas earnings were some US$25 billion (£ 15.6 billion). Historically, the financial services industry has been based in the famous "Square Mile" in the City of London. This remains very much the case today, even though Manchester, Cardiff, Liverpool, Leeds, Edinburgh and Glasgow have developed as financial centres in recent years. The City of London, however, has the greatest concentration of foreign banks in the world and accounts for 20 per cent of total international bank lending. It also has one of the world's largest insurance markets, is the world's top centre for trading overseas equities, has one of the world's largest financial derivatives markets, and is a leading market for trading commodities such as copper, gold, cocoa and coffee. The financial services sector expanded particularly fast after the deregulation of the Stock Exchange, or "Big Bang", in 1986, developing new markets and products, and taking on large numbers of new employees. The recession of the early 1990s led to many workers being laid off, and the sector was also hit by a number of problems and scandals. Практическое занятие 91-92 History of Credit Cards The first credit cards were issued in the United States in the 1920s by oil companies and hotel chains, and the purpose of these first cards was not the convenience, but to build customer loyalty. Before plastic era the credit cards (or credit tokens) were made of metal coins or plates, celluloid, cardboard. The first bank credit card named Charg, was invented in 1946 by a Brooklyn banker. Unlike today’s cards allowing for purchases with countless third parties all over the world, Charg was based on the program between bank customers and local merchants only. In 1951, the Diners Club issued the credit cards intended to pay restaurant bills to 200 customers who could use the card at 27 restaurants in New York City. These first cards were made of cardboard. The first American Express cards were launched in 1958. Bank of America issued its Bank Americard later in 1958. In 1976 the Bank Americard changed its name to Visa – a simple, memorable name that is pronounced the same in every language. Today, consumers carry more than 1 billion Visa cards worldwide with more than 450 million of those cards in the United States. Практическое занятие 93 BANKS 1. Learn new words, read and translate the text: to be concerned – быть связанным effort - попытка, усилие prevent - предотвращать allocate - распределять originate - возникать current account – текущий счет profit - прибыль, выгода Banks Banks are closely concerned with the flow of money into and out of the economy. They often cooperate with governments in efforts to stabilize economies and to prevent inflation. They are specialists in the business of providing capital, and in allocating funds on credit. Banks originated 89 as places to which people took their valuables for safe-keeping, but today the great banks of the world have many functions in addition to acting as guardians of valuable private possessions. Banks normally receive money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account. With a current account, a customer can issue personal cheques. No interest is paid by the bank on this type of account. With a deposit account, however, the customer undertakes to leave his money in the bank for a minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money. The bank in turn lends the deposited money to customers who heed capital. This activity earns interest for the bank, and this interest is almost always at a higher rate than any interest which the bank pays to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits. 2. Answer the questions: 1. In what way do banks co-operate with government? 2. What was the original function of a bank? 3. In what two ways do banks receive money from their customers? 4. How does the bank make its main profit? Практическое занятие 94 In the Bank In a large, dimly lighted room with acoustic walls and ceilings to deaden sound, about fifty operators — predominantly women — are sitting at a battery of monitors with a keyboard beneath each. It is here that holders of the blue, green, and gold credit cards are given or refused credit. When a card is presented anywhere in payment for goods or services, the place of business can accept the card without question if the amount is below an agreed limit, usually between twentyfive and fifty dollars. For a larger purchase, authorization is needed, though it takes only seconds to obtain. The approval procedures move at jet speed. From wherever they are, merchants and others dial directly to the credit-card processing center of the bank. Automatically each call is routed to a free operator, whose first words are, "What is your merchant number?" As soon as the answer has been given, the operator types the figures, which appears simultaneously on the monitor. Next, she asks the card number and amount of credit being sought. They are also typed and displayed. The operator presses the key, feeding the information to a computer, which instantly signals "accepted" or "declined". The first means that credit is good and the purchase has been approved, the second that the cardholder is delinquent and credit has been cut off. The operator informs the merchant, the computer records the transaction. On a normal day fifteen thousand calls come in. Sometimes a monitor flashes a message from the computer — "stolen card". In this situation an operator, speaking calmly, as trained, has to answer, "The card presented to you has been reported as stolen. If possible, detain the person presenting it and call police. Retain the card. The bank will pay you thirty dollars reward for its return." Storekeepers are usually pleased at the prospect to get an easy thirty dollars. For the bank it is also a good deal, since the card, left in circulation, can be used fraudulently for a much greater total amount. But this system works well only when the bank has got the information and can program the computer. Unfortunately most of the defrauding happens before a missing card is reported. To avoid this, the computer also warns the operators about excessive purchasing: when a cardholder makes ten or more purchases during a single day, the computer alerts an operator. Since an ordinary cardholder never makes more than six or eight purchases a day, a card showing more than normal use may be fraudulent, even though the owner might be unaware of its loss. However, despite all the warning systems, a lost or stolen card, if used cautiously, is still good for twenty thousand dollars' worth of fraudulent purchases in the week or so during which most stolen cards stayed unreported. 90 Moreover, there are devices used by criminals to decide whether a stolen card can be used again or if it is hot. A favorite is to pay a waiter twenty-five dollars to check a card out. He can get the answer easily by consulting a weekly confidential warning list issued by the credit card company to merchants and restaurants. Практическое занятие 95 Insuring Goods 1 Speaking about insurance, we mean a kind of business of insuring either lives or property against harm, damage or loss in return for the payment of a sum of money. The general idea of insurance is to provide indemnity in the case of any happening that may cause loss of money. 2 Insurance is becoming more and more significant as commerce is developing. Neglecting to insure goods either warehoused or in transit is all very well until something goes wrong. While goods are being stored, there are risks of fire and burglary. With the goods in transit a great number of hazards also arise. While transporting, the goods may be damaged through a lot of reasons; for example, vibration, an accident, poor handling, change of temperature, etc. And, of course, there is always the threat of pilferage when either a small part of consignment or the total contents of trailers or containers disappear without trace. Consequently, the reason for insuring goods is evident — both the buyer and the seller are protected against financial loss which may arise through no fault of them. Goods are normally insured for the full amount of their value, which is calculated as following: price of goods + cost of freight + insurance premium + percentage of the total sum to represent a reasonable profit for the seller. 3 There may be different types of insurance coverage: insurance against fire, theft/burglary insurance, accident insurance and a lot of others. But the usual procedure is to insure goods against all risks. This type of insurance involves a W.A. clause (= “with average”, where the word “average” derived from French avarie means damage), which denotes that insurers pay claim for partial losses. The F.P.A. (“free of particular average”) type of insurance means that partial losses are not covered. Particular average denotes partial loss or damage accidentally caused to a particular lot of goods. The responsibility for particular average is set either upon the owner of the lost property or those who caused damage. In the case of general average, which means any extraordinary loss, damage or expenditure for the sake of preserving the ship (or any other kind of transport) and the cargo, all the parties interested are responsible. The following events may serve as examples of general average: when goods are thrown into the sea to lighten the ship, when cargo is damaged by water used to put out a fire, the cost of towing a ship into the port for repair, etc. 4 The principal document used in insurance is insurance policy which acts as a contract. The policy may be known as a floating policy, when it covers a large quantity of goods for a fairly long period, usually a year, or it covers goods up to a large sum of money. For each shipment of goods another document is issued, which is called the insurance certificate. There is also a cover note that is a short printed document issued by the insurance adjusters to their customers, to tell them that their goods are insured, and to give the proof of this as well as all the insurance protection until a proper insurance contract (policy) is ready. Практическое занятие 96 Match the English word combinations in the left-hand column to the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column. 91 1. to cause loss of money 2. to be damaged through different reasons 3. a small part of consignment 4. the total contents 5. to protect against finan- cial loss 6. through no fault of smb. 7. for the full amount of their value 8. the cost of freight 9. a reasonable profit 10. a particular lot of goods 11. all the parties interested 12. to cover a large quantity of goods for a fairly long period 13. for each shipment of goods 14. to give proof 15. poor handling 16. to be in good condition 17. under these circumstances 18. a disinterested person 19. to inspect the packing 20. a report on the damage 21. a claim for compensation 22. scratched articles 23. to jeopardize a claim 2. 3. 4. 5. a. все заинтересованные стороны b. предоставлять доказательство c. оспорить в суде предъявленный иск d. поцарапанные товарные единицы e. требование о компенсации f. вызвать потерю денег g. не по чьей-либо вине h. быть поврежденным по различным причинам i. на каждую партию товара j. стоимость перевозки k. плохое обращение (с товаром) l. при этих обстоятельствах m. покрывать большое количество товара на достаточно продолжительный период n. быть в хорошем состоянии o. разумная прибыль p. на полную величину их стоимости q. незаинтересованное лицо r. проверить (осмотреть) упаковку s. отчет о нанесенном ущербе t. определенная партия товара u. защитить от финансовых потерь v. все содержимое w. небольшая часть груза Практическое занятие 97 Say it in English Страховая выплата, страховое дело, страховая премия, страховое покрытие, страхование на случай кражи, плохое обращение с товаром, при транспортировке; доставлять товары морским, воздушным, сухопутным транспортом; возмещать убытки, повредить партию товара, вычислять величину полной стоимости товара, удовлетворять (выплачивать) иск. 1. С развитием коммерческой деятельности страхование товаров стало неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Основание для страхования товаров очевидно, поскольку подобная услуга обеспечивает защиту, как покупателю, так и продавцу от непредвиденных финансовых потерь. Выплачивая определенную денежную сумму страховой компании согласно условиям договора, застрахованное лицо, в свою очередь, получает гарантию возмещения убытков в случае нанесения ущерба по независящим от него причинам. Товары обычно страхуются на величину своей полной стоимости, которая высчитывается определенным образом. Существуют различные типы страховых покрытий: страхование от пожара, страхование на случай кражи, страхование от несчастных случаев, при этом страхование от всех рисков является самым распространенным типом страхования. Договор страхования от всех рисков содержит пункт «включая частичные повреждения», который показывает, что 92 страховая компания удовлетворяет иски даже за частично понесенные потери. 6. В случае повреждений, нанесенных определенному виду или части товара, ответственность за ущерб несет либо владелец испорченного товара, либо лицо, причинившее ущерб. 7. Термин общая авария означает любую чрезвычайную ситуацию, следствием которой стали повреждения товара или денежные затраты с целью сохранить средство перевозки. 8. Основным страховым документом является страховой полис, при определенных условиях договора, который еще называют генеральный страховой полис. Практическое занятие 98 CONSUMER RIGHTS 1. Read about the consumer rights in the EU and make your own report on this topic in our country. Consumer rights In their role as consumers, ordinary EU citizens are key players in the Union's new frontier-free single market. The Union has in fact incorporated as the basis of its consumer policy, the protection of the five fundamental rights which lie at the heart of national policies. These are: 1. The protection of consumers' health and safety Only products which will not endanger health or safety may be put on the market. This means setting safety requirements, providing full information about potential risks, protecting consumers against physical injury. 2. The protection of consumers' economic interests There is for example a general ban on misleading advertising and unfair terms in contracts with consumers. 3. Consumer rights to information and education Consumers need to be put in a position where they can make an informed choice among goods and services offered. This includes objective information on the features and price of the items available. Consumers also require proper information about their efficient and safe use. 4. The right to redress Consumers have the right to receive advice and help when seeking redress for faulty products or for injury or damage resulting from the use of goods and services. There need to be simple, affordable and rapid procedures for settling complaints and claims. 5. Consumer representation and participation Representatives of consumers need to be present in decision-taking procedures on issues of concern to them at local, national or EU level. At Union level, this covers not only specific consumer issues but also other relevant policy areas like food laws, transport, competition policy, financial services, environment and the like. When the Community (the former name of European Union) adopted its first consumer programme in 1975, it focused on the practical application of the five principles. As a first result, a number of directives were adopted over the next 10 years covering among other things the safety of cosmetic products, the labeling of foodstuff, misleading advertising, consumer rights in door-step selling, product liability and the provision of consumer credit. In addition to its programme of legislation on consumer protection, the Union took steps to make sure the interests of consumers are taken into account at local and EU level. It has supported the development of national consumer organizations and of five major EU-wide organizations with consumer interests. These are: The European Consumer's Organization (BEUC), The Confederation of Family Organizations in the European Union (Coface), The European Community of Consumer Cooperatives (Eurocoop), The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), and The European Interregional Institute for Consumer" Affairs (EIICA). 93 Internally, the European Commission created an independent Consumer Policy Service in 1989 in order to give more authority and a higher profile to the implementation of consumer policy. According to the data of 1991, nearly 64 % of Community GDP (внутренний национальный продукт) is devoted to private consumption, the highest proportion being 70.3 % in Greece and the lowest 52.5 % in Denmark (63.4 % in UK). The remainder of the GDP is devoted mainly to financing investments and the collective consumption of general government. On average, Europeans devote 20 % of their 'consumption' budget to food (ranging from 37.8 % in Greece to 16.6 % in Germany, 21.5 % in UK) whereas 17.2 % covers housing expenditure (27.8 % in Denmark as against 10.3 % in Portugal, 18.5 % in UK). There are also marked disparities in spending on leisure and education (4.3 % in Luxembourg compared with 10.5 % in Ireland, with a UK average of 9.7%). There is plenty to be done, even after the legislative programme set out in the Maastricht Treaty on European Union is completed. The single market, like any other, needs to balance the interests of buyers and sellers if it is to operate efficiently. This means not only fixing additional rules for consumer protection but also ensuring that existing ones are applied correctly (which is not always the case). 2. Answer the questions below: 1. State five main principles of EU policy of consumer protection. 2. What organizations are involved in this process? 3. When was the first consumer programme adopted? 4. What is the 'consumption' structure in Great Britain? 5. What kind of legislative programme is mentioned in the text? Практическое занятие 99 Контрольная работа 3 курс 1 семестр Задание 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Продуктовые магазины». 1. bakery а)булочная b)касса c)молочный магазин 2. candy shop a)фирменный магазин b)бакалейный магазин c)кондитерский магазин 3. fishmonger’s a)мясной магазин b)рыбный магазин c)винный магазин 4. fruit shop a)касса b)покупатель c)фруктовый магазин 5. liquor shop a)винный магазин b)фирменный магазин с)прилавок 6. specialty shop a)специализированный магазин b)корзина для продуктов c)продавец 7. aisle a)ряд (в универсаме) b)овощной магазин c)кошелек 8. shopping cart a)овощной магазин b)тележка для покупок c)кулинария 9. shopping bag a)бакалейный магазин b)сумка c)фруктовый магазин 10. purse a)прилавок b)продукты питания c)кошелек Задание 2. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Продуктовые магазины» 1. мясной магазин а)fishmonger’s б)fruit shop в)meat shop 2. молочный магазин а)aisle б)dairy shop в)liquor shop 3. покупатель a)fruit shop б)client в)sweet 4. касса а)counter б)bakery в)cashier’s desk 5. продукты питания а)shopper б)foodstuffs в)grocery shop 6. винный магазин а)candy shop б)liquor shop в)булочная 7. фирменный магазин а)bakery б)specialty shop в)fishmonger’s 8. тележка для покупок а)shopping cart б)shopping bag в)shop assistant 9. овощной магазин а)greengrocery б)purse в)aisle 10. ряд (в универсаме) а)aisle б)bakery в)cashier’s desk Задание З. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Меры измерения количества продуктов». 94 1. a bag a)кусок b)мешок c)тюбик 2. a bottle a)бутылка b)ломтик c)миска 3. a bowl a)глубокая тарелка b)банка c)ящик 4. a box a)коробка b)долька c)кувшин 5. a carton a)картонная коробка b)каравай c)пачка чая 6. a jar a)банка b)ломтик c)дюжина 7. a kilo a)килограмм b)часть c)фунт 8. a loaf a)буханка, каравай b)упаковка c)плитка шоколада 9. a segment a)часть, доля b)пакет молока c)мешок 10. a tube a)тюбик b)ломтик c)ящик Задание 4. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Меры измерения количества продуктов». 1. пакет молока а)a box б)a tube в)a carton of milk 2. дюжина а)a dozen б)a joint в)a bowl 3. килограмм а)a kilo б)a loaf в)a packet 4. каравай, буханка а)a jar б)a segment в)a loaf 5. кусок а)lump б)a pound в)a box 6. упаковка а)a loaf б)a packet в)a tube 7. фунт а)a pound б)a bag в)a bowl 8. сегмент, часть а)a slice б)a piece в)a segment 9. ломтик а)a tube б)a slice в)a jar 10. тюбик а)a dozen б)a segment of orange в)a tube Задание 5. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Мясная и рыбная продукция. Вкусовые качества продуктов». 1. bacon a)буженина b)сосиска c)бекон 2. frankfurter a)сосиска b)черная икра c)паюсная икра 3. boiled sausage a)отварная свинина b)вареная колбаса c)фаршированная щука 4. caviar(e) a)рыба холодного копчения b)икра c) бекон 5. jellied fish a)корейка b)заливная рыба c) сарделька 6. kipper a)кислый b)копченая сельдь c)копченая рыба 7. hot-smoked fish a)рыба холодного копчения b)рыба горячего копчения c)паштет 8. stuffed pike-perch a)фаршированная щука b)карбонад c)сырокопченая колбаса 9. fresh a)восхитительный b)свежий c)несвежий 10. raw a)сырой b)кисло-сладкий c)черствый 11. salted a)соленый b)сладкий c)с душком 12. sour a)водянистый b)неприятный c)кислый 13. stale a)безвкусный b)жесткий c)несвежий 14. sweet a)мягкий b)сладкий c)свежий 15. tasteless a)недопеченный b)безвкусный c)сырой Задание 6. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Мясная и рыбная продукция. Вкусовые качества продуктов». 1. кровяная колбаса а)black pudding б)cold pork в)liver paste 2. карбонад а)cold pork б)carbonadoes в)bacon 3. ветчина а)tasteless б)raw в)ham 4. заливной язык а)jellied fish б)frankfurter в)jellied tongue 5. паштет из печени а)kipper б)liver paste в)hot-smoked fish 6. зернистая икра а)kipper б)soft caviar в)caviar(e) 7. горький а)bitter б)rare в)stale 8. отвратительный а)delectable б)overdone в)disgusting 9. ужасный а)dreadful б)edible в)rancid 10. маринованный а)beastly б)pickled в)salt 95 11. кисловатый а)sour б)sourish в)sour-sweet 12. вкусный а)tasty б)tasteless в)tender 13. нежный а)kipper б)tender в)tough 14. водянистый а)stale б)rancid в)watery 15. недожаренный а)underdone б)tough в)stale Практическое занятие 100 ЭТАЛОНЫ ОТВЕТОВ Задание 1. 1.. bakery а)булочная b)касса c)молочный магазин 2. candy shop a)фирменный магазин b)бакалейный магазин c)кондитерский магазин 3. fishmonger’s a)мясной магазин b)рыбный магазин c)винный магазин 4. fruit shop a)касса b)покупатель c)фруктовый магазин 5. liquor shop a)винный магазин b)фирменный магазин с)прилавок 6. specialty shop a)специализированный магазин b)корзина для продуктов c)продавец 7. aisle a)ряд (в универсаме) b)овощной магазин c)кошелек 8. shopping cart a)овощной магазин b)тележка для покупок c)кулинария 9. shopping bag a)бакалейный магазин b)сумка c)фруктовый магазин 10. purse a)прилавок b)продукты питания c)кошелек Задание 2. 1. мясной магазин а)fishmonger’s б)fruit shop в)meat shop 2. молочный магазин а)aisle б)dairy shop в)liquor shop 3. покупатель a)fruit shop б)client в)sweet 4. касса а)counter б)bakery в)cashier’s desk 5. продукты питания а)shopper б)foodstuffs в)grocery shop 6. винный магазин а)candy shop б)liquor shop в)булочная 7. фирменный магазин а)bakery б)specialty shop в)fishmonger’s 8. тележка для покупок а)shopping cart б)shopping bag в)shop assistant 9. овощной магазин а)greengrocery б)purse в)aisle 10. ряд (в универсаме) а)aisle б)bakery в)cashier’s desk Задание 3. a bag a)кусок b)мешок c)тюбик 2. a bottle a)бутылка b)ломтик c)миска 3. a bowl a)глубокая тарелка b)банка c)ящик 4. a box a)коробка b)долька c)кувшин 5. a carton a)картонная коробка b)каравай c)пачка чая 6. a jar a)банка b)ломтик c)дюжина 7. a kilo a)килограмм b)часть c)фунт 8. a loaf a)буханка, каравай b)упаковка c)плитка шоколада 9. a segment a)часть, доля b)пакет молока c)мешок 10. a tube a)тюбик b)ломтик c)ящик Задание 4. 1. пакет молока а)a box б)a tube в)a carton of milk 2. дюжина а)a dozen б)a joint в)a bowl 3. килограмм а)a kilo б)a loaf в)a packet 4. каравай, буханка а)a jar б)a segment в)a loaf 5. кусок а)lump б)a pound в)a box 6. упаковка а)a loaf б)a packet в)a tube 7. фунт а)a pound б)a bag в)a bowl 8. сегмент, часть а)a slice б)a piece в)a segment 96 9. ломтик а)a tube б)a slice в)a jar 10. тюбик а)a dozen б)a segment of orange в)a tube Задание 5. 1. bacon a)буженина b)сосиска c)бекон 2. frankfurter a)сосиска b)черная икра c)паюсная икра 3. boiled sausage a)отварная свинина b)вареная колбаса c)фаршированная щука 4. caviar(e) a)рыба холодного копчения b)икра c) бекон 5. jellied fish a)корейка b)заливная рыба c) сарделька 6. kipper a)кислый b)копченая сельдь c)копченая рыба 7. hot-smoked fish a)рыба холодного копчения b)рыба горячего копчения c)паштет 8. stuffed pike-perch a)фаршированная щука b)карбонад c)сырокопченая колбаса 9. fresh a)восхитительный b)свежий c)несвежий 10. raw a)сырой b)кисло-сладкий c)черствый 11. salted a)соленый b)сладкий c)с душком 12. sour a)водянистый b)неприятный c)кислый 13. stale a)безвкусный b)жесткий c)несвежий 14. sweet a)мягкий b)сладкий c)свежий 15. tasteless a)недопеченный b)безвкусный c)сырой Задание 6. 1. кровяная колбаса а)black pudding б)cold pork в)liver paste 2. карбонад а)cold pork б)carbonadoes в)bacon 3. ветчина а)tasteless б)raw в)ham 4. заливной язык а)jellied fish б)frankfurter в)jellied tongue 5. паштет из печени а)kipper б)liver paste в)hot-smoked fish 6. зернистая икра а)kipper б)soft caviar в)caviar(e) 7. горький а)bitter б)rare в)stale 8. отвратительный а)delectable б)overdone в)disgusting 9. ужасный а)dreadful б)edible в)rancid 10. маринованный а)beastly б)pickled в)salt 11. кисловатый а)sour б)sourish в)sour-sweet 12. вкусный а)tasty б)tasteless в)tender 13. нежный а)kipper б)tender в)tough 14. водянистый а)stale б)rancid в)watery 15. недожаренный а)underdone б)tough в)stale Практическое занятие 101-102 ТЕСТОВОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ Дифференцированного зачета учебного предмета «Иностранный̆ язык» Специальность 38.02.08 «Торговое дело» студент(а)(ки)__________________________________________________ группы № Задание 1.1. Задание с одиночным выбором. 1. I ___ buy two kilos of tomatoes and a kilo of cucumbers. A. can B. have C. am 2. He ___ for a big international company. A. works B. goes C. jobs 97 3. An economic system in which the government controls and regulates production, distribution, prices, etc. is called… A. market B. traditional C. planned 4. They never ___ dairy products in the evening. A. eat B. eating C. are eating 5. I don’t have enough money, can I buy ___ credit? A. by B. on C. in 6. An economic system based on the division of labor, in which the prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system set by supply and demand is called… A. market B. traditional C. planned 7. An economic system that is made up of parts of several other economic systems is called … A. mixed B. traditional C. market 8. Right now Mr Petrov ___ a cheque in the nearest bank brunch. A. is having B. is buying C. is cashing 9. ___ you qualified for this position? A. If B. Don’t C. Are 10. An economic system in which people do things the way they have always done them (according to habit, custom, or religious belief is called… A. mixed B. traditional C. planned P=5 Задание 1.2. Задание на определение верного\неверного утверждения. Выбрать T верно, F - неверно. 1) Cows don’t give milk. 2) Cakes and puffs are healthy dishes. 3) You need cream to make ice cream. 4) You can FRY potato when put it into the pan with boiling water. 5) Best-before date is the day or month before which food or drink should be eaten or drunk. P=5 Задание 1.3. Задание с открытым ответом. Напишите название отдела на английском языке, в котором продаются товары. 1) apples, oranges, pears, tomatoes, potatoes 2) cheese, milk, butter, curd, yoghurt 3) dress, shirt, boots, pants, hat 98 4) sausages, ham, bacon, smoked pork, chicken 5) herring, stout, salmon, perch, sturgeon P=5 1) Waiter a) a person who makes bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery 2) Shop assistant b) a person who works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food 3) Soldier c) a person who repairs machines, especially car motors 4) Teacher d) a person who works with meat, cuts the meat and sells it 5) Baker e) a person who works in a shop or store selling products 6) Mechanic f) a person who prepares food often in a restaurant or café 7) Hairdresser g) a person who works for the army 8) Butcher h) a person who passes knowledge to students 9) Cook/chef i) a person who repairs water systems or pipes 10) Plumber j) a person who cuts one's hair or gives it a new style Задание 1.4. Задание на установление соответствия. P=5 Задание 1.5. Задание для развернутого свободного ответа. Раскрой каждое обобщенное существительное 5 (пятью) примерами. Например, fruit - banana, orange, apple, kiwi, pear. 1) currency 2) drinks 3) fish and seafood 4) dairy products 5) clothes and shoes P=5 Задание 1.6. Задание на установление правильной последовательности. Расставьте реплики в правильном порядке, чтобы получился диалог между покупателем и продавцом. 1. The total is $25.00 2. Do you take credit cards? 3. Yes, we do. Here is size L for you. 4. Yes, of course. Here’s your dress and your credit card. Thank you very much. 5. Thank you. Bye. 6. It’s perfect. I’ll take it. 7. May I help you? 8. Yes. Do you have this dress in blue? 9. It’s too tight. Do you have a larger one? 10. Yes, we do. Here it is. (The customer goes in the fitting room.) How does it fit? 99 Р=5 Задание 1.7. Задание с открытым ответом и на установление соответствия. Замените слова в скобках соответствующими существительными по теме «Семья». Охарактеризуйте каждого человека подходящим прилагательным из списка (a,b,c,d,e). существительное прилагательное a) creative b) friendly c) hard-working d) patient e) sensible 1) My (aunt’s daughter) waits for me after school for an hour every day. 2) My (mum’s mother) cooks and cleans for the family. 3) My (sister’s son) likes to help people 4) My (wife’s brother) loves making things. 5) My five-year-old (son’s son) knows how to cross the road. P=5 Задание 1.8. Задание с одиночным выбором. Выберите подходящий модальный глагол, чтобы получилось верное утверждение об обязанностях товароведа. 1. A merchandiser (has to / doesn’t have to) analyse sales figures, customers’ reactions and market trends. 2. A merchandiser (must / mustn’t) be polite with the clients and customers. 2. A merchandiser (mustn’t / has to) collaborate with buyers, suppliers, distributors and analysts to negotiate prices, quantities and time-scales. 3. A merchandiser (should / doesn’t have to) make coffee for the customers. 4. A merchandiser (can / mustn’t) help a salesperson in the salesroom. (P=2,5) Задание 1.9. Задание с открытым ответом. Дополните каждое предложение одним словом. 1) A regularly printed document consisting of large sheets of paper that are folded together, or a website, containing news reports, articles, photographs, and advertisements is called … 2) A film or a programme that gives facts and information about a subject is called … 3) A set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization is called … 4 ) A system broadcasting sound programmes for the public to listen to is called … 5) A type of popular newspaper with small pages that has many pictures and short, simple reports is called … (P=2,5) Задание 1.10. Задание на установление соответствия. 1. greenhouse a) problems 2. carbon b) energy 3. environmental c) effect 4. renewable d) dioxide 5. natural e) resources P=5 100 Задание 1.11. Задание на установление соответствия. a) car rental b) bus stop c) security check d) customs e) restrooms P=5 Эталоны ответов тестовой части Задание 1.1 № вопроса Правильные ответы Количество баллов Р=5 1 A 0.5 2 A 0.5 3 C 0.5 4 A 0.5 5 B 0.5 6 A 0.5 7 A 0.5 8 C 0.5 9 C 0.5 10 B 0.5 Задание 1.2 № вопроса Количество баллов Р=5 Правильные ответы 1 F 1 2 F 1 3 T 1 4 F 1 5 T 1 Задание 1.3 101 Задание 1.1 № вопроса Правильные ответы Количество баллов Р=5 1 greengrocer's 1 2 dairy products 1 3 clothes and shoes 1 4 butcher's 1 5 fishmonger's 1 Задание 1.4 Правильные ответы 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 b e g h a c j d f i 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Количество баллов P=5 Задание 1.5 Собственные ответы студента по различным тематикам (посуществительных). № вопроса Правильные ответы Кол-во баллов P=5 1 Валюта 1 2 Напитки 1 3 Рыба и морепродукты 1 4 Молочные продукты 1 5 Одежда и обувь 1 Задание 1.6 1. May I help you? 2. Yes. Do you have this dress in blue? 3. Yes, we do. Here it is. (The customer goes in the fitting room.) How does it fit? 4. It’s too tight. Do you have a larger one? 5. Yes, we do. Here is size L for you. 6. It’s perfect. I’ll take it. 102 7. The total is $25.00 8. Do you take credit cards? 9. Yes, of course. Here’s your dress and your credit card. Thank you very much. 10. Thank you. Bye. P=5 Задание 1.7 № Правильные ответы Кол-во баллов P=5 существительное прилагательное 1 cousin d. patient 1 2 grandmother c. hard-working 1 3 nephew b. friendly 1 4 brother-in-law a. creative 1 5 grandson e. sensible 1 Задание 1.8 1. A merchandiser has to analyse sales figures, customers’ reactions and market trends. 2. A merchandiser must be polite with the clients and customers. 2. A merchandiser has to collaborate with buyers, suppliers, distributors and analysts to negotiate prices, quantities and time-scales. 3. A merchandiser doesn’t have to make coffee for the customers. 4. A merchandiser can help a salesperson in the salesroom. P=2,5 Задание 1.9 1. newspaper 2. documentary 3. website 4. radio 5. tabloid P=2,5 Задание 1.10 Правильные ответы Кол-во баллов P=5 1. greenhouse c) effect 1 2. carbon d) dioxide 1 3. environmental a) problems 1 4. renewable b) energy 1 5. natural e) resources 1 103 Задание 1.10 Задание 1.11. № вопроса Правильные ответы Количеств о баллов Р=5 1 d) customs 1 2 e) restrooms 1 3 a) car rental 1 4 b) bus stop 1 5 c) security check 1 Шкала перевода баллов в оценку % выполнения Количество баллов Оценка 100 - 85 50-42 отлично 84 - 69 41-35 хорошо 68 - 53 34-27 удовлетворительно Меньше 53 % 26 и меньше неудовлетворительно 104